Thursday, March 07, 2024


  Skip the barbershop, be the wizard of your own hair, and let the world know that you're not just cutting hair; you're cutting costs and seconds off your grooming routine.


The Secret to Boosting Your LGBTQ Mental Health: A Journey to Self-Acceptance


Yo, what's up NubianNewYorkers? I'm ready to drop some truth bombs and share the secret to boosting your LGBTQ mental health. Now, we all know that being a part of the LGBTQ community comes with its own set of challenges. We don't always fit into the dominant culture, and for LGBTQ members of racial minority groups, the struggle can be even harder. But fear not, my friends, because I've got some tips that will help you on your journey to self-acceptance and mental well-being.

First things first, let's address the unique difficulties that LGBTQ individuals face when it comes to feeling understood. We live in a world where heterosexuality is often seen as the norm, and anything that deviates from that is considered different or even wrong. This societal pressure can lead to feelings of isolation, rejection, and a lack of understanding.

But here's the thing, my friends. Your experiences, feelings, and identity are valid. You are not alone in this journey. Many others have walked this path before you, and trust me when I say that there is a vibrant and loving LGBTQ community waiting to embrace you with open arms.

Now, let's dive into some strategies that can help boost your mental health and foster self-acceptance.

1. Seek Professional Support: Look, I know it can be tough to open up, but seeking professional help is a game-changer. Find a therapist or counselor who specializes in LGBTQ issues. They can provide a safe space for you to discuss your experiences and help you navigate through the challenges you face. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

2. Embrace Journaling: Grab a pen and pour your heart out on those pages. Journaling allows you to express yourself freely and release any pent-up emotions. Write about your thoughts, fears, dreams, and victories. Trust me, it's therapeutic as hell! It can help you gain clarity, process your emotions, and track your progress on your journey to self-acceptance.

3. Harness the Power of Affirmations: Repeat after me, "I am strong, I am worthy, I am loved." Affirmations are powerful tools to rewire your mindset and boost your self-confidence. Start your day with positive affirmations that resonate with you. Believe me, they'll make a world of difference. Challenge those negative thoughts and replace them with empowering affirmations that remind you of your worth.

4. Cultivate Gratitude: Take a moment each day to reflect on the things you're grateful for. It could be as simple as a supportive friend, a beautiful sunset, or a delicious slice of pizza. Cultivating gratitude shifts your focus to the positive aspects of your life, improving your overall mental well-being. Create a gratitude journal and jot down three things you're grateful for each day. The more you practice gratitude, the more you'll notice the abundance of joy in your life.

5. Embrace Positive Self-Talk: We all have that little voice in our heads, but it's time to make it your biggest cheerleader. Replace self-doubt with self-love and encouragement. Whenever negativity creeps in, shut it down and remind yourself of your worth. You deserve happiness, my friend. Surround yourself with positive influences and affirmations that lift you up.

Now, I know it's not always easy to embrace who you are, especially when the world around you may not fully understand. But listen up, fam, you are unique, and your journey is valid. You have the power to shape your own happiness and find your tribe who will love and accept you for who you are.

So, keep pushing forward, keep shining your light, and remember that you are never alone. Surround yourself with positive energies, seek support when needed, and always remember to show love to yourself. You are strong, you are resilient, and you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

Stay true to yourself, my friends, and let your LGBTQ pride shine bright. The world needs your authenticity and your beautiful soul. Keep rocking it, and remember, you got this!


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Wednesday, March 06, 2024


Check it out, folks. We're about to dive into the age-old saga of keeping that booty tight and the body right.. SO buckle up, 'cause we're about to take an  enlightening journey into fitness and "behind!"

Picture this: a young buck, all pumped up and ready to hit the streets for a run or bust a move on the dance floor, while the OGs seem to have bid adieu to their muscle-butt glory days. What gives, right? It seems that as we mature, the fervor for breaking a sweat tends to simmer down. But hold up – here's the kicker: as the years roll by, our bodies need that exercise more than ever to combat muscle loss and keep our overall health in check.

Now, here's the real talk: it ain't about the specific exercise you do, it's all about that sweet, sweet CONSISTENCY. Lemme hit you with a little anecdote. Back in the day, I was on a mission to shed some pounds, and while I hadn't quite cracked the code of cutting carbs, I did stumble upon a revelation. I started walking 3 miles twice a week, without changing a thing about my diet. Lo and behold, my body responded with a resounding "challenge accepted!" If I was gonna clock those 6 miles each week, my body was gonna make it worth its while by shedding those extra pounds.

So, whether you're tearing up the dance floor, pounding the pavement, or hitting the gym, the key is to keep at it. Your body will reward your consistency by developing the muscles needed to make those exercises a breeze. Talk about a win-win, right?

Now, let's talk leg day, a crucial chapter in the saga of the sculpted behind. Stronger legs not only support your body for all kinds of activities but also contribute to a more chiseled physique. And here's the cherry on top – targeted leg exercises, especially those focusing on the glutes, are the secret sauce to achieving that enviable derrière. Are you ready for the reveal? Here are three sizzling leg exercises that will set those glutes on fire:

  1. Squats: Stand tall, feet shoulder-width apart, and lower your body as if you're about to sit in a chair. Keep your chest up and back straight as you lower down, making sure your knees don't extend beyond your toes. Press through your heels to return to the starting position. Feel the burn yet?

  2. Wall Sits: Find a sturdy wall, slide your back down into a seated position, and hold it there. Feel the tension building in those quads and glutes. Embrace the burn, my friend.

  3. Lunges: Step forward with one leg and lower your body until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Push back up to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. Ah, the sweet agony of a well-executed lunge.

So, there you have it – the tantalizing secrets to maintaining your youthful vigor and sculpting a butt that turns heads, no matter your age. Let's dive into a world of consistent exercise, sizzling leg workouts, and a newfound love for your body. Get ready to feel stronger, healthier, and oh-so-fabulous!


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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Unlock Your Best Life: The Power of Exercise for Gay Men - Boost Confidence, Attractiveness, and Self-Love!

 The number one thing you can do as a gay man to enhance your life is to embrace the power of exercise. By engaging in regular physical activity, you have the opportunity to transform not only your body but also your mindset.

As individuals, we are often influenced by visual stimuli, and taking care of your physique can boost your confidence both inside and out. When you present yourself with vitality and strength, it becomes a testament to your dedication and self-care. You'll radiate a captivating energy whether you're dressed to impress or simply embracing your authenticity.

One of the challenges faced in the gay community is the tendency to overlook potential partners who may be older. However, by committing to your fitness journey, you become a beacon of inspiration for others. Younger individuals are drawn to those who prioritize their well-being, as it demonstrates a commitment to personal growth and a zest for life. By taking care of your body, you become a "zaddy" figure that commands attention and admiration.

It's fascinating how weightlifting and aerobic exercises can affect our genes and enhance the health of our facial skin cells and tissues, ultimately enhancing our natural attractiveness. Not only will you witness the physical transformation, but you'll also experience a profound shift in your overall well-being. Every time you leave the gym, you'll be filled with a sense of self-love that is backed by scientific evidence.

Imagine the feeling of euphoria that engulfs you after an intense exercise session. This is the incredible power of endorphins, chemicals released by your body during workouts. These endorphins create a state of deep, short-lasting euphoria, providing you with a natural high that leaves you feeling invigorated and accomplished. It's a remarkable feeling that keeps you coming back for more, each time unlocking new levels of fulfillment.

By incorporating exercise and weightlifting into your daily routine, you'll not only experience physical benefits, but also receive an array of compliments and improved health. Sculpting your muscles and embracing self-love will enhance your overall attractiveness, both to yourself and to others. It's an investment in your well-being that makes perfect sense, as it has the power to transform your life in incredible ways.

So why wait? Take the first step towards a more vibrant and fulfilling life by making exercise and weightlifting a regular part of your journey. Embrace the power of physical activity, and watch as your confidence soars, your health improves, and your happiness blooms. You deserve to live your best life, and it all starts with taking care of yourself.

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Monday, February 19, 2024

HOW TO GROW ON INSTAGRAM - Gary Vee's $1.80 Strategy Explained.. IT REALLY WORKS!

 Gary Vee's $1.80 Strategy Explained




Gary Vaynerchuk, a well-known entrepreneur and social media influencer, has popularized a strategy called the $1.80 strategy for Instagram growth. This strategy aims to engage with other users on Instagram and build a meaningful community. Here's an explanation of the $1.80 strategy:

  1. Identify your audience and relevant hashtags: Determine your target audience and the hashtags that are relevant to your business, brand, or industry. This step helps you focus your efforts on engaging with the right people.

  2. Engage with top posts: Search for the top nine posts for each of the ten relevant hashtags you identified. Take the time to genuinely engage with these posts by leaving valuable comments. The idea is to provide meaningful interactions and contribute to the conversation.

  3. Repeat daily: Consistency is key with the $1.80 strategy. Repeat the process of engaging with the top posts for the ten relevant hashtags every day. By consistently leaving your "2 cents" (or $0.02) on these posts, you can increase your visibility, attract followers, and build a community around your Instagram account.


It's important to note that the $1.80 strategy is not about spamming or leaving generic comments. The goal is to provide value, spark conversations, and establish genuine connections with other Instagram users. By following this strategy, you can increase your engagement, grow your Instagram presence, and potentially attract more followers who are interested in your niche.

Please keep in mind that the effectiveness of this strategy may vary depending on your specific circumstances and the nature of your Instagram account. It's always a good idea to adapt strategies to suit your unique goals and target audience.

If you make this a habit, it HONESTLY works! Let us know in the comments if you've tried this method and let us know if you would like more tips and tricks to grow on Social Media!

Bless you, always!

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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

NubianNewYorkers - Money Matters - CASH IS NO LONGER KING!

Once upon a time, people said "Cash is king," but is that still true today? Let's dive into this money tale!

Imagine you work hard and earn some cash. Now, instead of rushing to turn it into physical dollars, think about the power of its digital form! It's like magic happening in computers. Your money is safe and valuable even before you cash it in.

Picture this: you have a hundred bucks, but you can't buy stuff on Amazon with that cash directly. You need to change it into digital form first. It's like turning a pumpkin into a carriage to go to the ball!

In today's world, online banks are the cool cats on the block. They offer better deals without the hassle of physical branches. It's like having a piggy bank in the digital universe!

Apps like Cash App, Zelle, and Venmo are like modern-day superheroes. They make sending money a breeze. Forget old-school methods like checks and money orders; they're slower than a turtle on a coffee break!

Remember the days of  "waiting in line" to cash a check or money order?  Imagine getting stuck behind someone paying $50 in dimes (yes, that happened!).  

Then there's the worry of  "bounced checks"  - that sinking feeling when the "insufficient funds" message pops up. You lose time, money, and maybe even trust.

Fast forward to today:✨ Instant, "fee-free" digital payments are the superheroes of the financial world! ‍♀️♂️

Think of it like this:

-Cash is a clunky carriage: Slow, limited, and requires constant upkeep.
-Digital payments are a rocket ship: Blazing fast, convenient, and secure

--Here's the evidence:

-No more time wasted: Skip the lines, the fees, and the stress of traditional methods. ⏳
-Instant gratification: Send and receive money with just a few clicks. It's like magic! ✨
-Safer than a vault: Digital transactions come with advanced security measures.
-Embrace the future: More and more businesses are ditching cash for the speed and convenience of digital.

*Still not convinced? Consider this:

-Landlords: Would you prefer waiting weeks for a paper check or getting rent instantly via an app?
-Freelancers: Wouldn't it be amazing to get paid the same day you finish a project?


*The clock is ticking! Don't get left behind in the dust of outdated payment methods. Join the digital revolution and experience the magic of instant, secure, and "time-saving" transactions. ⏰
 *Remember, "Cash is King" might be a bedtime story, but "Time is the true ruler" in the modern money kingdom.

E-MAN 2024
CASH APP = $everywherenyc 

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Saturday, February 10, 2024

NubianNewYorkers- If you love chocolate you will LOVE this man-candy - videos of handsome brothas

 God was showing off when he created men of color 😂






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NubianNewYorkers - Gay Short Films for your viewing pleasure - 2/2024 - representation matters!

Imagine stepping into a colorful world of movies where everyone feels welcome and represented. It's always a good thing to see people like ourselves on the big screen! So, get ready to enjoy some awesome YouTube shorts that feature gay black characters.

These shorts are like mini movies that you can watch online. They're super cool and there's a whole bunch of them! Just follow the links below to find even more amazing videos to watch.


 See many many other GAY SHORT FILMS











Wednesday, February 07, 2024

NubianNewYorkers - February 2024 Black History Month - Man Candy!

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Black History Month: Celebrating Achievements and Recognizing Struggles

Black History Month, also known as African American History Month, is an annual observance celebrating the accomplishments of African Americans and their central role in U.S. history.

Started as  "Negro History Week"**

* The concept originated in 1926 with historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans who established "Negro History Week."
* This week, coinciding with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, aimed to highlight the often-unacknowledged contributions of Black people in American history.
* Through lectures, community events, and educational materials, organizers sought to counter the prevailing narrative that largely excluded Black experiences

* Over the decades, "Negro History Week" gained momentum and expanded its reach.
* In 1976, during the bicentennial of the United States, Congress officially recognized February as Black History Month.
* Every year since, presidents have issued official proclamations endorsing specific themes.

* Black History Month has extended beyond the United States, with Canada and the United Kingdom acknowledging it in February and October, respectively.
* Other countries, including Ireland and several African nations, have also adopted observances celebrating Black history and culture.

* While Black History Month serves as a dedicated time for focused celebration and learning, it's crucial to remember and honor Black history and contributions throughout the year.
* Ongoing engagement with Black history, culture, and perspectives is essential for understanding the complexities of the past, fostering dialogue, and working towards a more equitable future.

Thursday, February 01, 2024

NubianNewYorkers - Amun - Ra and the foundation of "Amen"


Originally, Amun-Ra was known as Ra, recognized as the "Sun God." He created himself and the entire universe, and some think ancient Egyptians had a belief in one powerful god.

After the Thebes rebellion against the Hyksos and Ahmose I's rule (16th century BC), Amun (also Amon, Ammon, Amen, Amana) gained national importance, merging with the Sun god Ra as Amun-Ra. He was also considered the king of the gods.

"Amen" is a word from Biblical Hebrew. It's in the Hebrew Bible as a confirming response, often after blessings. The root א-מ-נ is in several Semitic languages, including Aramaic. In Hebrew, it means to be firm, reliable, faithful, or to have faith. The word came to Greek from early Church Judaism and then to other European languages from Greek.

From Hebrew, "amen" was adopted into Arabic religious vocabulary, with a similar meaning. It's used in Christian and Islamic contexts, especially in prayer. In religious texts, it appears in Arabic translations of the Bible and after reciting the first chapter of the Quran.

Some theosophists, Afrocentric history theorists, and esoteric Christians suggest "amen" comes from the African God Amun. People still say "Amen" after every prayer today.


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