Showing posts with label the daily show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the daily show. Show all posts

Thursday, February 05, 2015

LOL- The Daily Show: No, I WILL mess with Texas!

     The one constant thing about Democrats is they tend to be too timid and dont take enough
BALLSY actions....  Thats why I love when a Democrat displays BALLS.. Like Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida..

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

THE DAILY SHOW- Racism, The Ferguson Police and FOX News BS

I often wonder "How could slavery have ever happened?" because people are basicly good. How could so many white people blindly let black people be beaten, killed, raped and sold for 200 years? How could so may white people let Jim Crow go on for 50 years? and How can so many white people ignore racism in housing, employment, the justice system and in police killings today?

Well, all you have to do is watch FOX News to get your answer.. THEY IGNORE THE OBVIOUS AND CHANGE THE SUBJECT!! Because if it doesnt happen to THEM then "it just doesnt happen!"

Thank God for "Liberals" and the white people who believe in everyone being treated fairly. But as long as FOX "news" and ignorant people exist, The same stupid arguments against full  equality under the law will continue..

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

DAILY SHOW- Wage Against The Machine

The GOP and the greedy scramble to give a reason the minimum wage shouldnt be raised... And they sound like FOOLS!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Republicans said they learned their lesson after losing in 2012... Evidently they didnt, ARE THEY STUPID or JUST HATEFUL?

"There can be no liberty for a community which lacks the means by which to detect lies." - journalist Walter Lippmann. As long as the conservative media machine pushes lie after lie upon its viewers, symptoms like the shutdown will keep happening.


 After the GOP got it's ass kicked in the 2012 election, they all went on a "soul searching" mission. They said
they were going to change... but I guess they forgot.

They said things about how they were going to change... Well, after shutting down the government this month and acting like they WON in 2012, they are at historically low poll numbers.  

If the GOP were smart they would STOP hating on Obama because in a couple of years they are going to have to fool their base into thinking that Obama isnt the Devil but that the new Democratic candidate for President IS.

They cannot help but lie. They are addicted to sophistry, situational ethics, hyperbole and exaggerated
rhetoric - those habits cost them valuable senate seats and it will cost them house seats in 2014.


Gop Rebranding

From  'The Daily Show' Febuary 5th 2013

Blessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Blessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders.