Showing posts with label obama 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama 2012. Show all posts

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Republicans have lost the presidential election a campaign that has been going on everyday for the last 4 years... Republicans swore that making Obama a 1 term president was their primary goal... They blocked, slow walked, exaggerated, and outright lied to block Obama on everything.

After billions of dollars, thousands of campaign ads, & thousands of TV interviews President Obama succeeded in being re elected and WON the argument.

So you would think Republicans would listen to the American people, wouldnt you?

WRONG! Even though Obama won by a landslide, Republicans act like THEY are the ones with the mandate.

It is time time for this White House to stop negotiating with terrorists (Republicans willing to hold American prosperity hostage if they don't get their way)... it's time for this White House to stop trying to get along with crazy people on the right... it's time for this White House to stop playing defense and start playing offense.

Barack Obama is not only the most powerful man in the world he is also 1 of the most powerful presidents in American history ... now would somebody let him know that?  Obama will win ANY fight he REALLY wants to win, the other side has big mouths and FOX News and nothing else.

Prez Obama has helped change American's opinions on gay marriage  to the extent that a majority of Americans are for it now.
If anybody thinks it was easy to become the FIRST black President in the United States  & The first to get RE-elected, then they're crazy.   Winning important fights are NEVER easy.. but YOU HAVE GOT TO FIGHT!

I am exhausted defending this president and the Democrats in fights that they could be easily win on their own... Shirley Sharrod, Susan Rice, and time and time again the right gets away with bullying this administration.

Do you know how stop getting bullied? pick 1 bully and beat the shit out of him... it's time for the Democrats and this White House to pick 1 bully and make an example out of him..doesn't matter if it's a talk radio host, Fox News or one of the wacko Republicans but it's time for offense offense offense!

Wednesday, July 04, 2012


Ever since the day Barack Obama became President, Republicans vowed to block him on everything. Republicans have called him every name in the book, and accused him of anything they can think of. Republicans go on any & every News and Radio show they can and repeat the same untrue talking points until its all the public can think of. WHERE ARE THE DEMOCRATS? 

If you believe its time that Democrats UNIFY and FIGHT BACK, sign this petition. Democrats & Prez Obama have TRUTH and LOGIC on their side.. Now they must follow up with constant communication, constant explanation, a unified message and FORCE! 


Monday, November 21, 2011


If you take the time to listen to every word Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says you will see that he speaks the truth in a way I hope we see MORE often from Democrats this election year.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Its time to SPEAK OUT & SPEAK UP to The Obama Re-Election Team!

Republicans blame Obama for everything, they act like they were not the ones who GOT US INTO this mess in the first place. 

Prez Obama doesnt watch the 24 hour News networks.. but somebody in his campaign SHOULD. Its "death by a thousand cuts".. they are bleeding him to death slowly with these attacks.. He is being "swiftboated" everyday and those attacks go unanswered.

Prez Obama doesnt respond to the silly, childish attacks.. but somebody in his administration SHOULD. You know why people buy ads? Because people start to believe what they hear over and over. Studies show, the 14th time a person sees an ad they believe it. For every attack there should be a counter-attack.

Prez Obama doesnt want to appear TOO close to the Gay, Labor, Black, Mexican communities.. but someone in his campaign should be representing him ANYTIME there is a gathering of these CORE voters.

The time for us, sitting back and just HOPING that he has a strategy we dont know about.. IS OVER!

The time has come for us to SPEAK UP and tell his campaign that WE NEED to be communicated with,
WE NEED to see more of his administration and campaign leaders on TV.

WE NEED talking points, WE NEED ammunition to help him fight this political war with Republicans.

NOW IS THE TIME to call his campaign directly and tell him to FIGHT BACK & COMMUNICATE WITH HIS BASE more regularly and more effectively!

Call 312-698-3670 or write  "Obama for America, P.O. Box 803638, Chicago, IL, 60680, c/o Obama for America Feedback"

If enough of us take a little time out of our day, they will start to listen.. And we wont be stuck with a Republican in 2012