Tuesday, April 08, 2008

National black gay conference attracts Atlanta leaders

‘The Power of Us’ slated for April 24-26 in Baltimore
By DYANA BAGBY | Apr 7, 6:04 PM

Some of Atlanta’s top black gay leaders, activists and straight allies will be taking part in the National Black Justice Coalition’s national conference titled “The Power of Us” slated for April 24-26 in Baltimore.

Hundreds of people are expected to converge in Baltimore for the conference that plans for more than 50 national speakers and panelists and some 35 workshops, including Q&A discussions as well as receptions and dinners.

“The goal is to bring black and non-black LGBT leaders together and to build alliances with non-black and non-LGBT organizations,” said Herndon Davis, spokesperson for the NBJC (www.nbjcoalition.org). The conference will focus on three topics: health, spirituality and leadership. Registration is ongoing until the conference opens, he added.

“With the presidential election coming, we thought this would be a great opportunity to address serious issues in a public forum,” Davis said.

Health issues will be a major focus at the conference, especially because of the rising rates of HIV infection among black gay men, Davis said. Dr. David Malebranch of Emory University, who has done significant research on HIV among black gay men, will be taking part in that aspect of the conference.

The NBJC also plans to hold its third annual Black Church Summit as part of the conference. The first NBJC Black Church Summit was held in Atlanta at First Iconium Baptist Church and featured keynote speaker Rev. Al Sharpton. Although they are not gay, Dr. Ken Samuel, pastor of Victory Church for the World, UCC, in Stone Mountain; and Dr. Timothy McDonald, pastor of First Iconium Baptist Church, will be on hand to discuss homophobia in the black church.

“Homophobia is unfortunately still a pervasive force in the black church and we want to keep addressing this issue,” Davis said.

Carey Sherrell of Atlanta, former contestant on NBC’s “The Apprentice” and fashion designer, will also be at the conference as part of its star power that also features comedian Karen Williams and Ray Cunningham, an actor from BET’s “College Hill.”

Political leaders and political strategizing will also be a major part of the conference, Davis said, with several black gay politicians attending, including Connecticut State Rep. Jason Bartlett, who came out in late February and is the first openly black gay state legislator in the country. NBJC reports there are also six openly black gay elected officials in the U.S.

Other noted speakers to be at the NBJC conference include Bishop Gene Robinson of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire; Joel Ginsberg, executive director of the Gay & Lesbian Medical Association; and Leah Daughtrey, chief of staff of the Democratic National Committee.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


You know you should exercise, but some days it's tough to get moving: not enough time, too tired, no energy. Counteract those excuses by discovering what motivates you, and use these strategies to develop and maintain an active lifestyle.

Step One
Determine an attainable goal such as exercising twice on weekdays, once on weekends. Creating realistic goals will set you up for success. If your goal becomes too easy, you can always design a new one.

Step Two
Create rewards for achieving your goal. The reward can be a massage, a new workout outfit, a new CD, a session with a personal trainer, or a new piece of sports equipment - whatever you really want.

Step Three
Partner with a friend, co-worker or loved one - someone who will support you and your goals without sabotaging them.

Step Four
Subscribe to a fitness magazine or online fitness newsletter. New tips and exercises can be inspirational and alleviate boredom.

Step Five
Create a competition with co-workers or friends. For example, the team whose members exercise for 30 minutes, three times each week for three months wins a prize. You decide what the prize is.

Step Six
Change into your workout clothes. Sometimes, it's just a matter of getting dressed that causes the biggest barrier.

Step Seven
Erase the concept that if you can't do at least 30 minutes you're wasting your time. Exercise burns calories, increases energy, and improves your health - even in small doses.

Step Eight
Try a new sport or class. Adding variety, group support and competition can increase your likelihood of exercising.

Step Nine
Make a commitment to your dog to go for a long walk at least twice each week.

Step Ten
Look for ways to incorporate activity into your day, even if you can't do your normal exercise routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, go bowling instead of to the movies, or use a push mower instead of a power mower.

Step Eleven
Sign up for a race and send in the entry fee. Whatever your activity - running, biking, walking, swimming - there are hundreds of races offered all over the world. Pick a place you've always wanted to visit.

Step Twelve
Join a gym. For some, paying for a membership increases the likelihood of compliance. It also eliminates the bad-weather excuse.

Tips & Warnings
Exercise in the morning. Research shows that people who make exercise a priority first thing in their day are more likely to stick with it.

Every person goes through periods of time when it's incredibly challenging to maintain an exercise program. Acknowledge it when it happens, recognize that it's just a brief period of time, and restart your program as soon as possible.

Choose things that motivate you - not what others want.

Remind yourself of the many health benefits of an exercise program.

Sunday, December 30, 2007


New Year Resolutions
The custom of New Year resolutions originated with early Babylonians who took the beginning of a New Year as a resolve to return borrowed farm equipments and buy new ones for themselves. When the year starts, we are refreshed after long holidays and vacations and being energetic and rejuvenated, we feel ready to glide over all the stresses and work loads of the coming year easily and make big promises to ourselves.

We plan goals that we will try to achieve during the year whether it is to lose weight or quit smoking. New Year Resolutions are nothing but short-term annual goals that help us to improve and break out of bad habits. However, most people forget about it the very next day and get on with their jobs and lives as usual. Mark Twain had very aptly commented, 'Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink and swore his last oath. Today, we are a pious and exemplary community. Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation to the winds and gone to cutting our ancient shortcomings considerably shorter than ever.'

Here are some tips that you can keep in mind while making your list of New Year Resolutions 2008, so that you actually keep them:

Evaluate the price in terms of sacrifice, risk, time, efforts, money, perseverance and willpower that you will need to fulfill your New Year resolution and be ready to pay it.

Give yourself a prize or a gift whenever you complete a New Year Resolution so that you are encouraged to fulfill others too.

If you have not completed your last year's resolution, include it again in your list for 2008 and make sure that you keep it this time. Also examine the points that made you fail and try to overcome them.

Keep only one or few resolutions that you can actually follow. Too many resolutions will discourage you from approaching the list. So choose whether you want to learn dancing this year or learn paragliding.

Place reminders that keep popping up weekly or every third day throughout the year so that you do not chuck out your New year Resolution list once the euphoria celebration wears off.

These reminders can be kept in your daily diary, set online or be from your close friends. You can also keep resolution journals for the purpose that you go through regularly.

Remember New Year Resolutions do not include such things, as I will not call my ex-boyfriend for three days. The resolutions here are meant for the entire year.
Set only realistic goals. Some things may actually seem stylish and trendy but may not be your cup of tea. Opt them out already.

While you want to go for rock climbing like all your friends, you may not feel like it actually. Thus, cross out such resolutions beforehand.

Tell someone close about your resolutions so he or she can shake you up a little whenever you are losing your track.

God bless, and Have a Safe, Secure, Sexy New Year!!