Sunday, March 06, 2011

Favorite LIVE Performances (first list)

NubianNewYorkers is a Facebook Group, This Blog, A Twitter Feed and amongst other things is a 24,000 Member Strong Yahoo Group.  In our group we discuss EVERYTHING.. One question I asked the guys in the group was "WHATS YOUR FAVORITE LIVE PERFORMANCE?"

Here are some of the results.. first, lets start with 2 performances I really loved;

Michael Jackson "Dangerous" 1993 American Music Awards

Madonna doing a unique performance of  "Vogue" on MTV 20 years ago..

"MiamiBoy01" chose the following;

"Tippindascalez2" chose the following;

"EverywhereWorld" chose the following;


What is YOUR favorite LIVE performance? Post it in the comments below.. Share your Love.. or just let me know via Twitter, Facebook or at our home group NubianNewYorkers.

And be sure to share this post with your friends, hopefully they have performances that they'd like to tell us about...  MUSIC makes Life worth Living!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

VAN JONES- Because Smart Is Sexy

 Anthony K. "Van" Jones (born September 20, 1968) is an American environmental advocate, civil rights activist, and attorney
In March 2009 Jones was appointed by President Barack Obama to the newly created position of Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, where he worked with various "agencies and departments to advance the administration's climate and energy initiatives, with a special focus on improving vulnerable communities."

 In July 2009 he became "embroiled in a controversy" over his past political activities, including a public comment disparaging congressional Republicans, his name appearing on a petition, and allegations of association with a Marxist group during the 1990s. Highlighting these issues, conservatives launched an aggressive campaign against him. Jones resigned from the position in early September 2009 "On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me," Jones said in his resignation statement. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."
Jones is currently a senior fellow at the Center For American Progress and a senior policy advisor at Green For All. Jones also holds a joint appointment at Princeton University, as a distinguished visiting fellow in both the Center for African American Studies and in the Program in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.


BORN THIS WAY - Maria Aragon on Good Morning America

Obama Administration On Gay Marriage

Saturday, February 19, 2011

"TOP SHOT" hits the target.

TOP SHOT is a reality show/ gun competition on The History Channel

I dont know one thing about how to make a dress or what a nice dress would be.. Yet, I find Project Runway (esp the 1st few seasons) to be an excellent, excellent show. I just love to see people who are gifted compare talents on a well edited, show. This show is Project Runway with RIFLES. Its like SURVIVOR with BULLETS. 

Being from the big city, I dont like gun's.. Well, I mostly don't like guns used in crimes.. But guns usually make me nervous.. But The History Channels "TOP SHOT" is a show I like, and suggest.

I like the male bravado-ishness of the show.. you know, that fake way guys have to toughen up.. As Project Runway will come with a certain amount of "camp", "Top Shot" comes with its own kind of "macho" camp. But the contestant are awesome sharpshooters and the show is
very watchable.

Its in its second season (I've got to go back and watch the 1st).. Here are the first 2 episodes of season 2...


Saturday, February 12, 2011


I like bad "B" movies once in awhile.. I dont know if MANTIS counts as Blaxploitation, Satire, or just a bad Superhero show from the 90's.. but I laffed and enjoyed the Pilot episodes  in an ironic way! (There are 24 Episodes on HULU)