Thursday, November 10, 2011

Perry isn't ready for prime time!

Check out this clip of his  latest debate performance..

This is the same man who has been bad-mouthing our President and even had the nerve to bring back the "Birther" isssue because he thought it would be fun to "poke at" the President.


Well, now its time to "poke at" Perry!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rick Perry is an A-hole with a capital A!

This Asshole brings back up the racist "Birther" issue just to bother The President.

He wants to poke fun?

Let's poke fun at HIM when he inevitably drops out of the race!

Let's tweet, email and otherwise continue to contact his "campaign" and laugh at his dumb ass!!

We havent forgotten your "Niggerhead Ranch" either you dumb fuck.