Sunday, July 21, 2024

NubianNewYorkers - Conquering Chaos: How to Tame Frustration Like a Pro

 Hey there NubianNewYorkers and friends..

I don't know if its present day politics, astrology or just my life, but fighting FRUSTRATION has become a big challenge for me. I found a system that works and want to pass it on to you, in case you ever have the same challenge.

Ever felt like the universe just doesn't get you, or missed the subway by a hair's breadth, watching it speed off like it's got no cares in the world? Frustration isn't just an annoying guest; it's that relative who raids your fridge and then decides to crash on your couch indefinitely!

We've all been there, tangled up in the mess of frustration. But today, let's not just slap on the "it's fine" Band-Aid. Let's kick this annoyance to the curb for good. Here are seven practices that are gonna help us tackle frustration like pros.


The Art of Overcoming Obstacles

First off, CONTROL—or rather, the idea of control. You can't control the traffic making you late or the rain ruining your picnic. What you CAN control is how you react—your feelings, your mindset. It's not about magic fairy dust; it's about a mindset tweak. Take missing a bus, for example. You could throw a fit, or use those extra minutes to chill, meditate, listen to a podcast, or just enjoy the sky. The bus is gone, and no amount of frustration will bring it back. Embracing this stoic idea is like clearing out old apps from your phone—you didn't know how much space they took until they were gone.

Imagine if everyone followed this—no more road rage or meltdowns in the grocery line. That's a world worth aiming for. So, step one: focus on what you can control.

Next, let's zoom out for PERSPECTIVE. You know in movies how the camera zooms out to show everything from above? We sometimes need that big-picture view to remind us that our problems are tiny specks in the grand scheme. Upset because your Wi-Fi crashed? Imagine seeing that from space where cities look like dots on a map. Changing how we see our problems can slice through frustration like a hot knife through butter.

I'm not saying your problems are nothing. But blowing them up in our heads gives them power. Zooming out isn't running from issues; it's about seeing their real size in life. When you see the big picture, those problems don't look so crazy anymore.

Now, using THE POWER OF NOW. True happiness is enjoying right now without always worrying about what's next. It's hard nowadays with phones buzzing and news popping up. Frustration often comes from rushing or dwelling on past stuff. Being here and now is like stopping a leak in a sinking boat—you're not wasting energy on what's not in front of you.

Being present isn't just about focusing; it's a fix for frustration. It clears things up, calms you down, and makes you chill. When you focus here, a lot of stress just fades away.

Next up, YOUR DESIRES. Wanting stuff leads to frustration when it doesn't happen. We all want more, but sorting out what's really important can chill you out. Think about what you really want—less letdown when things don't go your way.

Let's try NEGATIVE THINKING. No, not being a bummer—it's about thinking ahead. Picture your day going nuts—coffee spills, trains missed. None of this happened, but imagining it helps you not flip when stuff goes bad. Thinking ahead boosts thanks when things go right.

Last, every LIFE LESSON matters. Lost a job? Maybe it's time for something new. Break up? Maybe someone better's coming. Feel the feels, then find good in bad stuff. It's not ditching feelings but finding good in everything. Use challenges to make yourself stronger.

Living it up and doing your thing is key. Time's short, so think big, do you, and cut the small stuff. Keep learning and sharing. Let's chat in our Facebook group about how we're crushing it and learning as we go:

Stay cool, stay safe, and keep rocking!
Bless you,

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