Friday, December 08, 2023

DIET - The Slow Carb Diet: Benefits and Steps

The Slow Carb Diet is a dietary approach that focuses on consuming low-glycemic carbohydrates, high-quality protein, and healthy fats. Here are the benefits and steps of the Slow Carb Diet:


1. Weight Loss: By consuming low-glycemic carbohydrates and high-quality protein, the Slow Carb Diet may help promote weight loss and fat loss.

2. Blood Sugar Control: The diet's emphasis on low-glycemic carbohydrates can help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent spikes and crashes.

3. Reduced Cravings: The Slow Carb Diet may help reduce cravings for unhealthy, high-sugar foods due to its focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods.

4. Improved Satiety: The combination of slow carbs, protein, and healthy fats in the diet can help increase feelings of fullness and satisfaction after meals.

5. Potential Health Benefits: While more research is needed, the Slow Carb Diet's emphasis on whole foods and balanced macronutrients may have potential health benefits, such as improved cardiovascular health and reduced risk of chronic diseases.


1. Focus on Slow Carbs: The Slow Carb Diet involves consuming low-glycemic carbohydrates, such as non-starchy vegetables, legumes, and certain whole grains. These slow carbs are digested and absorbed more slowly, providing a gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream.

2. Include Protein: The diet emphasizes consuming high-quality protein sources, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes. Protein helps promote satiety and supports muscle maintenance and repair.

3. Incorporate Healthy Fats: Healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil, are encouraged in the Slow Carb Diet. These fats provide essential nutrients and contribute to feelings of fullness.

4. Avoid High-Glycemic Carbs: The diet recommends minimizing or avoiding high-glycemic carbohydrates, processed foods, sugary beverages, and foods high in refined sugars and flours.

5. Eat Four Meals per Day: The Slow Carb Diet typically involves eating four meals per day, consisting of slow carbs, protein, and healthy fats. This meal structure helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and provides sustained energy throughout the day.

6. Include a Cheat Day: The Slow Carb Diet includes a cheat day once a week, during which individuals can indulge in their favorite foods. This cheat day is not only for psychological benefits but may also influence hormonal changes that can promote weight loss.

7. Consider Supplements: The diet suggests the use of certain dietary supplements, such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, to replenish lost electrolytes and support overall health.

Remember, before starting any new diet or making significant changes to your eating habits, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to ensure it aligns with your individual needs and health goals.



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Saturday, December 02, 2023

NubianNewYorkers - THE EYES HAVE IT! - Basic ways to protect eye-sight.

How to Fight Glaucoma Before It Presents

Glaucoma is a condition that damages the optic nerve of the eye and can lead to vision loss if left untreated. It is important to take proactive steps to fight glaucoma before it presents. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. **Regular Eye Examinations**: Glaucoma can damage vision before any noticeable symptoms occur. Regular comprehensive eye exams are crucial for early detection and treatment of glaucoma. During these exams, your ophthalmologist will measure your eye pressure, inspect your eye's drainage angle, examine your optic nerve for damage, test your peripheral vision, and perform other assessments. Your ophthalmologist can determine how often you should have these exams based on your individual risk factors.

2. **Know the Risk Factors**: Being aware of the risk factors associated with glaucoma can help you take preventive measures. Some common risk factors include high internal eye pressure, age over 55, black, Asian, or Hispanic heritage, and a family history of glaucoma. If you have any of these risk factors, it is especially important to prioritize regular eye examinations.

3. **Protect Your Eyes**: Taking steps to protect your eyes can help reduce the risk of developing glaucoma. This includes wearing protective glasses when working in the yard or playing contact sports, wearing goggles while swimming, using non-allergenic makeup, wearing sunglasses outdoors (especially in high-glare situations), and avoiding rubbing your eyes.

4. **Maintain Overall Health**: Some studies suggest that maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and managing conditions like diabetes, may help reduce the risk of glaucoma It is important to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice on maintaining your overall health.

5. **Follow Treatment Plans**: If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma, it is crucial to follow the treatment plan prescribed by your ophthalmologist. Treatment options may include medications, eye drops, laser therapy, or surgery, depending on the severity of the condition. Adhering to the prescribed treatment can help slow down further damage and preserve your vision.

Remember, glaucoma is a complex condition, and it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance based on your specific situation.

How to protect from Age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of vision loss in people over the age of 50. It damages the macula, the part of the eye responsible for central vision. There is no cure for AMD, but there are ways to slow the progression of the disease and preserve vision.

**Lifestyle changes**

* **Eat a healthy diet.** A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fish may help protect against AMD. Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, are particularly beneficial.
* **Quit smoking.** Smoking is a major risk factor for AMD.
* **Maintain a healthy weight.** Obesity is also a risk factor for AMD.
* **Control your blood pressure.** High blood pressure can increase the risk of AMD.
* **Wear sunglasses that block ultraviolet (UV) rays.** UV rays can damage the macula.


The Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2) found that taking a specific combination of vitamins and minerals can slow the progression of AMD in people who are at high risk for the disease. The AREDS2 formula includes:

* **Vitamin C (500 milligrams per day)**
* **Vitamin E (400 international units per day)**
* **Lutein (10 milligrams per day)**
* **Zeaxanthin (2 milligrams per day)**
* **Zinc (80 milligrams per day as zinc oxide)**
* **Copper (2 milligrams per day as cupric oxide)**

If you are considering taking AREDS2 supplements, talk to your doctor first.

**Medical treatments**

There are two main types of medical treatments for AMD:

* **Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs.** These drugs are injected into the eye to stop the growth of new blood vessels in the macula. Anti-VEGF drugs are used to treat wet AMD, which is a more severe form of the disease.
* **Photodynamic therapy (PDT).** PDT is a treatment that uses a laser to destroy abnormal blood vessels in the macula. PDT is used to treat wet AMD.

If you have AMD, talk to your eye doctor about which treatment options are right for you.

 How to Fight Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that affects the blood vessels in the retina, leading to vision problems and potential blindness if left untreated. Here are some strategies to fight diabetic retinopathy:

1. **Control Blood Sugar Levels**: The most important step in managing diabetic retinopathy is to control your blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can damage the blood vessels in the retina. Follow your healthcare provider's recommendations for managing your diabetes, which may include monitoring your blood sugar levels, taking prescribed medications, and making dietary and lifestyle changes.

2. **Regular Eye Examinations**: Regular eye examinations are crucial for early detection and treatment of diabetic retinopathy. These exams allow your eye care professional to monitor the health of your eyes and detect any signs of retinopathy. The American Diabetes Association recommends annual dilated eye exams for people with diabetes, or more frequently if recommended by your eye care professional.

3. **Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Control**: High blood pressure and high cholesterol levels can worsen diabetic retinopathy. It is important to manage these conditions through lifestyle changes and, if necessary, medication. Follow your healthcare provider's recommendations for maintaining healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

4. **Quit Smoking**: Smoking can significantly increase the risk and progression of diabetic retinopathy. If you smoke, quitting is essential for protecting your eyes and overall health. Seek support from healthcare professionals or support groups to help you quit smoking.

5. **Follow Treatment Plans**: If you have been diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy, it is crucial to follow the treatment plan prescribed by your eye care professional. Treatment options may include laser therapy, injections, or surgery, depending on the severity of the condition. Adhering to the prescribed treatment can help slow down the progression of diabetic retinopathy and preserve your vision.

6. **Maintain Overall Health**: Taking care of your overall health is important for managing diabetic retinopathy. This includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and managing other conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice on maintaining your overall health.

Remember, diabetic retinopathy is a complex condition, and it is always best to consult with your healthcare provider or eye care professional for personalized advice and guidance based on your specific situation.

Regular eye exams are important for maintaining good eye health and detecting any potential issues early on. They can help identify conditions like diabetic retinopathy and allow for timely treatment. **Early detection and intervention can help prevent or slow down the progression of diabetic retinopathy and preserve vision**.

Here is a bulleted list of how often a person should go for eye exams during each decade of life:

- **20s and 30s**: Individuals with no known eye conditions or risk factors should have a comprehensive eye exam at least once during this period.
- **40s**: Regular eye exams every two to four years are recommended.
- **50s**: Eye exams every one to three years are advised.
- **60s and older**: Individuals should have eye exams every one to two years to monitor for age-related eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.

It's important to note that these are general guidelines, and the frequency of eye exams may vary depending on individual circumstances, such as existing eye conditions or risk factors. It's best to consult with an eye care professional for personalized recommendations based on your specific situation.

Remember, regular eye exams are essential for maintaining good eye health and detecting any potential issues early on.

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Friday, December 01, 2023


 December 2, 1972: Aerobics pioneer Kenneth H. Cooper published his book "Aerobics," introducing the concept of aerobic exercise and its importance in maintaining overall fitness

 December 5, 1977: The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) was founded, becoming a leading organization in promoting exercise science, sports medicine, and physical fitness research.


  • December 1: Janelle Monae. Zoe Kravitz. ...
  • December 4: Tyra Banks. Jay-Z. ...
  • December 5. Little Richard. Mi'Chele. ...
  • December 8. Nicki Minaj.
  • December 10. The Late Michael Clarke Duncan. Teyanna Taylor. ...
  • December 11. Mos Def. ...
  • December 12. Regina Hall. ...
  • December 13. NeNe Leakes


  • "December: A month of lights, snow, coziness, and feasts; time to make amends and tie up loose ends; finish what you started and make your wishes come true."



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Monday, November 13, 2023

Subject: Embrace the Power of the Gym - Your Journey to a Better You!

 Dear NubianNewYorkers,

I hope this Blog post finds you in good health and high spirits! I wanted to take a moment to share some incredible insights about the benefits of going to the gym that might just motivate you to take that first step towards a healthier, happier you.



 I understand that going to the gym can feel daunting, and it's completely normal to have reservations. We all have our reasons for putting it off - whether it's feeling self-conscious, lacking motivation, or simply fearing the discomfort of starting something new. 

But let me assure you, my dear friend, that you are not alone in these thoughts and feelings. Many people have stood exactly where you are now, and with the right mindset, they have overcome their fears and reaped the countless rewards that await.

Now, let's talk about those benefits! Going to the gym is like opening a treasure chest filled with amazing gifts for your body, mind, and soul. First and foremost, regular exercise helps to strengthen your muscles, making you feel stronger, more capable, and ready to take on any challenge that comes your way.

But it doesn't stop there! Going to the gym also improves your cardiovascular health, which means a healthier heart and improved endurance. Imagine having the energy to do all the things you love, without feeling tired or out of breath.

                         Now, let's delve into the magical world of endorphins. When you exercise, your brain releases these incredible chemicals that are often referred to as the "feel-good" hormones. Endorphins can boost your mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and leave you with a sense of happiness and contentment that lasts long after your workout session.

And guess what? Regular exercise can also improve your sleep quality, helping you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day. It's like giving yourself the gift of a good night's sleep every time you hit the gym!

Not only does exercise benefit your physical and mental well-being, but it also provides an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. By challenging yourself in the gym, you'll gradually build confidence and a sense of accomplishment that will extend far beyond the weightlifting or treadmill. You'll discover the incredible things your body is capable of and ignite a newfound respect and love for yourself.

I understand that change can be scary, but trust me when I say that the short-term discomfort of going to the gym is minuscule compared to the long-term benefits that await you. I believe in you, and I know that you have the strength within you to overcome any fear or hesitation.

Take that first step, my friend, and let the gym become your sanctuary, a place where you can not only transform your body but also nurture your mind and soul. Embrace the journey, and remember that every small step forward is a victory in itself.

If you ever need someone to cheer you on or provide guidance along the way, know that I am here for you. Together, we can conquer any obstacle and create a healthier, happier, and more vibrant version of you.

With unwavering love and support,


Sunday, November 05, 2023



The month of November was originally called "Novem" in the Roman calendar, which means "nine" in Latin. This is because it was the ninth month of the year in the Roman calendar. 

When the Julian calendar was introduced in 45 BC, November became the eleventh month of the year.

 The name "November" was adopted by the English language in the 11th century. It is derived from the Old English words "novem" (nine) and "ber" (month).

Here are some famous people born in November:

  • November 1: Anthony Kiedis, lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers; Lyle Lovett, singer-songwriter; Toni Collette, actress
  • November 2: David Schwimmer, actor; Nelly, rapper
  • November 3: John Philip Sousa, composer; Marie Curie, scientist
  • November 4: Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Whoopi Goldberg, actress and comedian
  • November 5: Guy Fawkes, English revolutionary; Tyra Banks, supermodel and businesswoman
  • November 6: Sally Ride, first American woman in space; Salma Hayek, actress

    • November 7: Marie Antoinette, Queen of France; David Guetta, DJ and music producer
    • November 8: Gordon Ramsay, chef and television personality; Bonnie Tyler, singer
    • November 9: Carl Sagan, scientist and author; Bon Jovi, rock band
    • November 10: Martin Luther, religious reformer; Martin Lawrence, actor and comedian
    • November 11: Leonardo DiCaprio, actor; Britney Spears, singer
    • November 12: N.W.A., hip hop group; Anne Hathaway, actress
    • November 13: Whoopi Goldberg, actress and comedian; Taylor Swift, singer

    This is just a small sample of the many famous people born in November. It is a month that is full of talented and accomplished individuals.