Sunday, July 21, 2024

NubianNewYorkers - Conquering Chaos: How to Tame Frustration Like a Pro

 Hey there NubianNewYorkers and friends..

I don't know if its present day politics, astrology or just my life, but fighting FRUSTRATION has become a big challenge for me. I found a system that works and want to pass it on to you, in case you ever have the same challenge.

Ever felt like the universe just doesn't get you, or missed the subway by a hair's breadth, watching it speed off like it's got no cares in the world? Frustration isn't just an annoying guest; it's that relative who raids your fridge and then decides to crash on your couch indefinitely!

We've all been there, tangled up in the mess of frustration. But today, let's not just slap on the "it's fine" Band-Aid. Let's kick this annoyance to the curb for good. Here are seven practices that are gonna help us tackle frustration like pros.


The Art of Overcoming Obstacles

First off, CONTROL—or rather, the idea of control. You can't control the traffic making you late or the rain ruining your picnic. What you CAN control is how you react—your feelings, your mindset. It's not about magic fairy dust; it's about a mindset tweak. Take missing a bus, for example. You could throw a fit, or use those extra minutes to chill, meditate, listen to a podcast, or just enjoy the sky. The bus is gone, and no amount of frustration will bring it back. Embracing this stoic idea is like clearing out old apps from your phone—you didn't know how much space they took until they were gone.

Imagine if everyone followed this—no more road rage or meltdowns in the grocery line. That's a world worth aiming for. So, step one: focus on what you can control.

Next, let's zoom out for PERSPECTIVE. You know in movies how the camera zooms out to show everything from above? We sometimes need that big-picture view to remind us that our problems are tiny specks in the grand scheme. Upset because your Wi-Fi crashed? Imagine seeing that from space where cities look like dots on a map. Changing how we see our problems can slice through frustration like a hot knife through butter.

I'm not saying your problems are nothing. But blowing them up in our heads gives them power. Zooming out isn't running from issues; it's about seeing their real size in life. When you see the big picture, those problems don't look so crazy anymore.

Now, using THE POWER OF NOW. True happiness is enjoying right now without always worrying about what's next. It's hard nowadays with phones buzzing and news popping up. Frustration often comes from rushing or dwelling on past stuff. Being here and now is like stopping a leak in a sinking boat—you're not wasting energy on what's not in front of you.

Being present isn't just about focusing; it's a fix for frustration. It clears things up, calms you down, and makes you chill. When you focus here, a lot of stress just fades away.

Next up, YOUR DESIRES. Wanting stuff leads to frustration when it doesn't happen. We all want more, but sorting out what's really important can chill you out. Think about what you really want—less letdown when things don't go your way.

Let's try NEGATIVE THINKING. No, not being a bummer—it's about thinking ahead. Picture your day going nuts—coffee spills, trains missed. None of this happened, but imagining it helps you not flip when stuff goes bad. Thinking ahead boosts thanks when things go right.

Last, every LIFE LESSON matters. Lost a job? Maybe it's time for something new. Break up? Maybe someone better's coming. Feel the feels, then find good in bad stuff. It's not ditching feelings but finding good in everything. Use challenges to make yourself stronger.

Living it up and doing your thing is key. Time's short, so think big, do you, and cut the small stuff. Keep learning and sharing. Let's chat in our Facebook group about how we're crushing it and learning as we go:

Stay cool, stay safe, and keep rocking!
Bless you,

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

NubianNewYorkers: Charisma and Talent of Black Male Adult Film Stars: Inside Their World of Passion and Power



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NubianNewYorkers: Explore Your Perfect Home Gym: Find Out What You've Been Missing!


As a natural introvert I tend not to like to be around crowds, unless Im working. So, naturally I dont like going to the gym unless its empty..

Something I do that I suggest for everyone is, have a workout routine for home for the days you cant or wont head to the gym. This is great for fitness beginners AND for veteran exercises who want to tone up in the house.

Here are some simple yet effective exercises you can do at home:

1. Bodyweight Squats - Great for your legs and glutes. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your body as if you're sitting back into a chair.

2. Push-Ups - Strengthen your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Start in a plank position and lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor, then push back up.

3. Plank - Strengthen your core. Hold a push-up position with your body in a straight line from head to heels.

4. Lunges - Target your legs and glutes. Step forward with one leg and lower your hips until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle, then push back up and switch legs.

5. Glute Bridges - Strengthen your glutes and lower back. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, then lift your hips towards the ceiling.

6. Bicycle Crunches -Work on your abs. Lie on your back, lift your legs and shoulders off the floor, and twist your body to bring your opposite elbow to your knee.

7. Jumping Jacks - A great cardio exercise. Jump your feet out to the sides while raising your arms above your head, then jump back to the starting position.

8. Mountain Climbers - Target your core and get your heart rate up. Start in a plank position and alternate bringing your knees towards your chest as quickly as possible.

9. Tricep Dips - Use a sturdy chair or bench to strengthen your triceps. Sit on the edge, place your hands next to your hips, and lower your body down and back up by bending and straightening your elbows.

10. High Knees - Another great cardio move. Run in place while lifting your knees as high as possible.
 And MY FAVORITE "Wall Sits"
11. Wall Sits - are an effective exercise for strengthening your thighs, glutes, and calves. Here's how to do them:

A. Find a Wall - Stand with your back against a wall and your feet shoulder-width apart, about two feet away from the wall.
B. Slide Down - Slowly slide your back down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Your knees should be directly above your ankles, forming a 90-degree angle.

C. Hold the Position - Keep your back flat against the wall, and hold this position for as long as you can, aiming for at least 20-30 seconds to start. 

D. Engage Your Muscles -;Make sure your weight is evenly distributed across your feet, and keep your abdominal muscles engaged.

E. Rise Up - When you're ready to finish, slowly slide back up the wall to a standing position.

Wall sits are great for building endurance and strength in your lower body muscles. As you get stronger, you can increase the duration of your wall sits.

And the good thing is.. for the exercises listed, you don't need much equipment. Here’s a breakdown:

1. Bodyweight Squats: No equipment needed.
2. Push-Ups: No equipment needed.
3. Plank: No equipment needed.
4. Lunges: No equipment needed.
5. Glute Bridges: No equipment needed.
6. Bicycle Crunches: No equipment needed.
7. Jumping Jacks: No equipment needed.
8. Mountain Climbers: No equipment needed.
9. Tricep Dips: A sturdy chair, bench, or similar elevated surface.
10. High Knees: No equipment needed.
11. Wall Sits: A wall.

Optional equipment that could enhance these exercises:
A. Yoga mat: For comfort during floor exercises like push-ups, planks, glute bridges, and bicycle crunches. Click image to shop.
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B. Resistance bands: To increase resistance for exercises like squats, lunges, and glute bridges. Click image to shop.
{affiliate link}

C.  Dumbbells: For adding weight to bodyweight exercises to increase difficulty. Click image to shop.

{affiliate link}
Overall, most of these exercises rely on your own body weight and minimal equipment.

So there it is my friend.. You cant start small. I suggest keeping track of your progress in a book and the good thing about working out at home is there's no time constraint you can take all day if you want to.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I appreciate you finding ways to make yourself better inside and out.


If you think of anything I missed or anything you would like to say, please comment below 

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 click for MORE Exercise equipment

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Thursday, July 04, 2024

NubianNewYorkers - MANIFESTATION 101 - Technique To Get You What You Want

 MANIFESTATION - manifestation refers to the practice of bringing a thought, desire, or goal into reality through focused intention, belief, and visualization. 

I wish someone had explained manifestation to me like this because it can be so simple. So, welcome to "Manifestation 101: How to Manifest Your Dream Life Fast."

All you need to know is three simple things to master this process, and then I'm going to give you a little bit of homework that you can start today to make this work for you.

Alright, so how can you master manifestation?

1. -- Understand your composition: First, you have to understand that you are comprised of your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. When you add up all these, they create your state of being. I like to call this your "personal vibration." If you constantly have thoughts of self-doubt and stress, believe that life is difficult, and feel that things don't work out for you, this leads to feelings of sadness and sorrow.

2. -- The Law of Vibration: There's a thing called the Law of Vibration that says everything has a vibrational frequency. This means your state of being and identity has a specific vibration. Then, by the Law of Attraction, similar vibrations attract similar vibrations. The vibration you emit attracts specific outcomes. This can be a person, financial income, a problem, or a situation.

3. -- Change your frequency: If you're a happy person and have thoughts and beliefs that life always works out for you, no matter what, this leads to feelings of security and happiness. It's not easy to change overnight, but small changes can eventually alter your state of being and identity. This will make you emit a different frequency, leading to better outcomes.


To manifest your dream life fast, you need to master these steps:

1. -- Control your self-talk: Watch what you say to yourself. Decide which beliefs will govern your life and actively choose to live with positive and empowering emotions.

2. -- Affirmations: Get good at having go-to affirmations that influence your thoughts. Common ones include: "I am worthy," "I am fulfilled," "I am capable," and "I am love itself." Start there, but go one step further. Use phrases aligned with different chakra points in your body. For example: "I am loving," "I feel loved and whole," "I understand that I don't need to do anything to be fully loved and lovable," "I am wealthy," "I feel wealthy," and "I understand that attracting and building wealth is possible." Brainstorm affirmations that fit your life and where you want to go, and start saying these every day.

3. -- Journaling: Tap into your soul by journaling every day. This helps build a new identity and lets out old thoughts. I journal every morning and night. In the morning, I set the focus for the day, and in the evening, I reflect on the day and my feelings. A friend of mine journals intensively every 30 days. The goal is to let out the swirling thoughts in your mind and give them space. Write about the future life you want to live and the dreams you have.

4. -- Meditation: Meditate to prime your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings into what you want to attract and become. I struggled with meditation for years until I found that for me I had to stay silent and listen after I prayed and that silence for me put me in a meditative state. Find the technique that works for you.

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Quick recap:
- You are made up of your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, which create your state of being.
- By understanding the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction, you can attract what you think, believe, and feel.
- Replace negative and stressful thoughts with positive ones through affirmations, journaling, and meditating.

To start:
1. Choose three affirmations and say them every day.
2. Journal for 15 minutes every day.
3. Meditate for 15 minutes daily and gradually increase the time.

Is that clear? Just start with these steps and work your way up.
When you ask God / The Universe for something it gives it to the version of you that deserves it.
Do this work and your energy will align and you will bring your wishes into reality!
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Thursday, June 20, 2024


Hey bestie!   Just found a few short films with LGBTQ+ characters!   

Not only are they entertaining, but they totally remind me (and YOU!) that our stories deserve to be seen and heard.   Representation is key, and these films are rocking it!    So grab some popcorn, settle in, and get ready to feel all the feels (and see yourself reflected on screen!).   Remember, your story matters like crazy, and these films prove it! 


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See many many other GAY SHORT FILMS










Friday, June 14, 2024

NubianNewYorkers- GAY SHORT FILMS - Gay characters, Gay Plots, Gay Representation - PRIDE! - Enjoy!

See many many other GAY SHORT FILMS










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NubianNewYorkers - How To Start Working Out When You Really Dont Want To (Best Friend Fitness Advice)

 Fitness truly is the most important thing you can do in life. When you take care of your body, it allows you to better enjoy everything else. It adds longevity to your life and keeps you feeling fabulous.

Everyone knows the importance of fitness, but sometimes the challenge lies in our mindset and motivation to actually do it. And that's where baby steps come in, my friend. They're like small incremental changes over time that make a huge difference.

Now, if you haven't exercised in the last three months, we'll consider you a beginner. And as a beginner, it's all about starting with those baby steps.


 Let's say you have a thin body and want to get more muscle. Well, push-ups are your new best friend! Grab a pad and pencil, or use your phone to keep track of your progress. Start by doing as many push-ups as you can, and then write it down. Tomorrow, try to do one more than before and keep track of that too.

You'll be amazed at how your body starts to crave exercise and those lovely endorphins that make you feel fantastic. It might take a few weeks, but trust me, your mind and body will start to crave new exercises, and that's when you know you're on the right track.

Now, for those who are overweight beginners, your push-up days will come too. Right now, we want to focus on burning more calories than you're taking in, and that simply means walking. Yes, my friend, your baby steps quite literally begin with baby steps!

Pick a dedicated day and time each week when you'll go for a walk. Start slow and keep the distance short, but gradually build on it. You want to condition your body for movement, and guess what? Your body is smart! It will automatically start shedding those pounds because it wants to make it easier for your walks.

You see, your brain may be in your head, but your body has its own intelligence. It knows that if you keep doing push-ups, working out, or walking, it's going to change itself to make that habit easier. It will grow muscles, lose weight, or do whatever it takes to support your fitness journey.

And here's a little secret: keeping notes is a game-changer! It feeds your brain positive evidence of progress. Even on days when you don't feel like exercising, just look at your notes. They'll remind you of all the times you've done it before and that you can absolutely do it again.

Now, for those experienced exercisers who still struggle with motivation, the answer is still baby steps. If you don't feel like working out, just do the least possible. Trust me, even the least possible is better than nothing. And guess what usually happens? Once you get started, you end up doing more than you planned. It's like magic!

So remember, my friend, by now you know you can trust me.. the answer is always baby steps, consistency, patience, keeping track, and never giving up. 

Combine those things with time, and you'll have a magic body, a super sense of self-pride, good health, and longevity! You've got this, and I'll be cheering you on every step of the way! Keep shining, my incredible friend! Stay sexy!


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