Monday, June 14, 2010

FITNESS- Ass Exercises for Men

While many men focus on building a big wide chest and shoulders shoulders and huge biceps many will neglect their lower body and especially butt exercises for men.

So what do you need to do to achieve the male model type butt? Well firstly you must adjust your workouts to focus on that behind to build the muscles you need to make it have the right firm shape.

You also need to have the right diet to make sure the fat that often conceals great muscles bum is burned away too.

This lens will focus on the exercises you should employ first however.

5 Ass Exercises for Men 

1. Squats

I love squats as you may be able to tell. They are great for your bum of course but also for flexibility, strength and if you do it with a barbell over the shoulder for the upper body too.
An all body workout like a squat also engages more muscle groups which releases more growth hormones which are essential for building muscle and also for losing weight if you are eating the right diet.

2. Gluteus Kickback


This is where you get on your hands and knees with your head slightly raised and you lift each leg in turn backward raising your foot above your head until your upper leg is horizontal with your torso. The trick is to really SQUEEZE with your buttock that is attached to the raised let on the way up and down. Do it slow, the idea is to hold it there for a moment before coming down so you get a good quality kickback not a fast elastic snap which does nothing for the muscles.

3. Step Ups
Simple concept, simple exercise you can do anywhere you have a slightly raised platform. Step up onto this platform using just your leg and bum muscle to propel your body upwards to stand on the step.
Easy if the step is low but when you raise that steps height to above the knee and later up as high as you can reach with your foot the more weight your leg and butt need to lift. Good for your core muscles too to keep yourself from flopping all over the place as you step.

4. Standing Butt Squeeze Exercise

This is the easiest of all of them but is great to do if you work in an office or somewhere like it. Take a break and stand up straight with your feet forward and really SQUEEZE those buttock cheeks hard for about 2 seconds then release. To this again and again for a minute or so when you need and without any paraphernalia you can exercise the bum and keep firming it up.

5. Leg Abduction Exercise

This is done by standing with your feet about hip width apart and feet facing forward. Raise one leg outwards to the side while still facing your foot forward. Raise it as high as you can while balancing, your torso may lean the other way a bit which is ok just do not make it too much. Hold it for a few seconds and squeeze your buttocks as you do this (see a theme?)). Repeat several times times for each.
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Friday, May 28, 2010

Christina Aguilera on Idol Finale

I am done
Smoking gun
We've lost it all
The love is gone

She has won
Now it's no fun
We lost it all
The love is gone

And we had magic, And this is tragic
You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We found our life's been changed
Baby... You lost me

Had me cry
Oh, I really cried
We lost ourselves
The love has died

And though we tried
You can't deny
We left as shells
We lost the fight

And we had magic, and this is tragic
You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We found our life's been changed
Baby... You lost me

Now I know you're sorry
Its bittersweet
When you chose to stray
You deceived me
And you'll be ready
But it's too late
How could I ever trust you again?

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We found our life's been changed
You lost me
Smoking gun
We've lost it all
The love is gone

She has won
Now its no fun
We've lost it all
The love is gone

And we had magic
And this is tragic
You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

I feel like our world's been infected,
And somehow you left me neglected

We've found our lives been changed
Babe, you lost me

And we tried
Oh, how we cried
Christina Aguilera You Lost Me lyrics found on
Oh, we lost ourselves
The love has died

And we had magic
And this is tragic
You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

Oh, I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We've found our lives been changed
Cause babe, you lost me

Now I know you're sorry
And we were sweet
Oh, but you chose lust when you deceived me
And you'll regret it, but it's too late
How can I ever trust you again?

I feel like our world's been infected,
And somehow you left me neglected
We've found our lives been changed
I am done
Smoking gun
We've lost it all
The love is gone

She has won
Now its no fun
We've lost it all
The love is gone

And we had magic
And this is tragic
You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

I feel like our world's been infected,
And somehow you left me neglected

We've found our lives been changed
Babe, you lost me

And we tried
Oh, how we cried
Christina Aguilera You Lost Me lyrics found on
Oh, we lost ourselves
The love has died

And we had magic
And this is tragic
You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

Oh, I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We've found our lives been changed
Cause babe, you lost me

Now I know you're sorry
And we were sweet
Oh, but you chose lust when you deceived me
And you'll regret it, but it's too late
How can I ever trust you again?

I feel like our world's been infected,
And somehow you left me neglected
We've found our lives been changed

I am done
Smoking gun
We've lost it all
The love is gone

She has won
Now it's no fun
We lost it all
The love is gone

And we had magic, And this is tragic
You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We found our life's been changed
Baby... You lost me

Had me cry
Oh, I really cried
We lost ourselves
The love has died

And though we tried
You can't deny
We left as shells
We lost the fight

And we had magic, and this is tragic
You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We found our life's been changed
Baby... You lost me

Now I know you're sorry
Its bittersweet
When you chose to stray
You deceived me
And you'll be ready
But it's too late
How could I ever trust you again?

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We found our life's been changed
You lost me

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Jeffrey Johnson is a political motivator. He often appeared on "Rap City", where he spoke about such issues as violence and voting.

A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Johnson was an active leader as a child. Johnson was also active in track and field.

Johnson furthered his education at the University of Toledo. At UT, Johnson was president of the UT Student Government and the UT Black Student Union.

Johnson also served as National Director for the NAACP's Youth and College Division, as well as Vice President for the Hip hop Summit Action Network.

Johnson's involvement in these organizations piqued interest with BET, who thought that he could use his knowledge with cultural and political affairs on the show Rap City. He was on the show for two seasons, playing the part of "Cousin Jeff."

Johnson spreads his leadership advice and passion for activism to churches, universities and local communities across the country.

Johnson has spent the last decade merging the worlds of politics and popular culture. His roles as a political activist have included work as Senior Advisor for Media and Youth Outreach for People for the American Way, National Director of the Youth & College division of the NAACP, and Vice President of the Hip Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN).

Johnson earned a reputation as a positive force among youth and young adults through his politically conscious television personality, “Cousin Jeff” on the Black Entertainment Television shows,“The Jeff Johnson Chronicles”, and “Rap City.”He has been dubbed the "conscience voice" of Black Entertainment Television.
Johnson is the only American reporter to interview Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Africa’s first elected female head of state and Liberia’s first elected female president. Johnson is also one of only two news correspondents to interview Sudanese president Omar Al-Bashir, who had not granted interviews with American media outlets for thirteen years.

Johnson has also interviewed President Barack Obama, Senator Hillary Clinton, and Minister Louis Farrakhan. In 2007, he testified before the Committee on Homeland Security regarding recovery efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Johnson has published social and political commentaries for, The and Black Politics on the Johnson has also been quoted by Newsweek and The Boston Globe. Johnson currently contributes commentary and analysis about issues related to race, politics, popular culture and socio-economics for MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, XM radio, Sirius Satellite Radio, BET and The Dr. Phil Show.

Johnson challenges audiences to innovatively weigh solutions, resolve historic and systemic social imbalances and inequalities. He is also slated to host talk show The Truth with Jeff Johnson, set to air on Black Entertainment Television fall 2008.

He also signed a six-figure deal with Smiley Books for a book tentatively titled Everything I'm Not Made Me Everything I Am.

More information about Johnson can be located at or

Monday, March 22, 2010


Healthcare fight was Obama's proving ground

The president chose a goal and held to it steadfastly. Now he must build on that momentum.

Rarely does a president bet everything on a single card, but Barack Obama did it on healthcare. Almost from the beginning, the White House was guided by one priority: Nothing must get in the way of healthcare. Everything else would have to wait.

Sunday night, the president who was criticized for winning a Nobel Prize without much of a record finally won a signature achievement -- victory on the kind of massive healthcare overhaul that Democrats had sought and failed to achieve for nearly half a century.

In the months ahead, Obama will face the question of whether his healthcare victory is a high-water mark for a now-exhausted administration, or instead becomes the leaping-off point for victories on other big issues, such as energy, immigration and financial regulation.

But what became clear in the healthcare debate is that Obama is a president with a combative stubbornness, one that was not often visible in his cool, above-the-fray public demeanor. And he has demonstrated that a president who picks a goal, adopts a battle plan and sticks with it, come what may, is not easy to knock out.

In the 14 months of the healthcare fight, Obama saw his popularity plunge 20 percentage points. Voters, whipsawed by high unemployment, lost savings and the other ravages of a devastating recession, boiled over in anger at a president seeming obsessed with his own priorities.

From the beginning, GOP strategists saw the healthcare debate as a chance to cripple Obama's presidency. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) cast the stakes in military terms, predicting that a defeat would be Obama's "Waterloo."

In perhaps the White House's darkest hour, Obama suffered a stinging rebuke -- and lost the Democrats' filibuster-proof Senate majority -- when Massachusetts spurned a last-minute presidential appeal and gave the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's seat to a Republican in a special election dominated by healthcare.

Yet if Obama wavered, it was only briefly. Even some Democrats counseled him to drop the attempt at massive change and settle for smaller healthcare goals. Although he toyed with the idea at least once, in the end he held fast.

And while he was criticized even within his own party for delegating to Congress the early shaping of the healthcare bill, Obama mobilized in the weeks after Republican Scott Brown won the special election in Massachusetts.

From that day, it was clear that the endgame for Obama would come in the House of Representatives. He fought with a combination of tactics that played to his strength -- campaigning -- but also required a skill that was less tested -- negotiating.

On both fronts, he showed a level of pragmatism that frustrated some of his most liberal and idealistic supporters -- a willingness to trade a perfect bill for a somewhat less ambitious one that could pass.

Exploiting the bully pulpit, he traveled to places like St. Charles, Mo., and Cleveland, and exhorted rank-and-file supporters with the rhetoric he honed during his 2008 campaign. He invited both Democrats and Republicans to a televised healthcare "summit" -- notable not for any breakthrough accomplishment but for underscoring just how far apart the Democrats and Republicans were on the issue.

As late as Saturday, he traveled to Capitol Hill to lead a rally of House Democrats.

In between such events, he and his aides tirelessly lobbied fence-sitting members of the House.

Obama bluntly told skeptical members that for his presidency to be strong, he needed them to pass the bill.
READ MORE,0,5513125.story

Saturday, March 13, 2010

TECH TALK- The HP "Slate" with Windows 7


For the first time in history, the 2010 U.S. Census will allow same-sex couples to self-identify as either married or unmarried partners. The data collected is poised to have a huge impact for the gay, lesbian, bi and trans community in coming years.

Andrew McIlrath of the U.S. Census Bureau, and partnership specialist for gay, lesbian, bi and trans communities in Oregon, has supplied a great F.A.Q. to ensure that the pesky questionnaire is filled out correctly by the LGBT community.

Check it out, and make sure you’re represented correctly! Census forms will be delivered to households, and completed forms should be mailed back.

From April through July, census takers will visit households that did not submit a form through the mail, and the Census Bureau delivers population information to the President for apportionment in December.

Each of the 10 questions on the census form helps to determine how more than $400 billion will be allocated to communities across the country.

For more information, check out this UCLA Williams Institute presentation on the importance of an accurate count of LGBT Americans. Even more info here.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Urgency Of Healthcare Reform- Prez Obama today March 8th 2010



FLASHBACK- Barack Obama Victory Speech

"...I know you didn't do this just to win an election, and I know you didn't do it for me. You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime — two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century. Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us. There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after their children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage, or pay their doctor's bills, or save enough for college. There is new energy to harness and new jobs to be created; new schools to build and threats to meet and alliances to repair.

The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year, or even one term, but America — I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you: We as a people will get there.

There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president, and we know that government can't solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And, above all, I will ask you join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it's been done in America for 221 years — block by block, brick by brick, callused hand by callused hand.

What began 21 months ago in the depths of winter must not end on this autumn night. This victory alone is not the change we seek — it is only the chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were. It cannot happen without you.

So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other. Let us remember that if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers. In this country, we rise or fall as one nation — as one people.

Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long....."

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Calvin Klein X: Nakata, Verdasco, Brooks, Lutz

Chad Ocho Cinco running naked through the woods?

 Just two days after Ocho Cinco announced he’s going to be on Dancing with the Stars – this video surfaces of the ripped Bengals’ receiver running through the woods and up a hill naked. The video was purportedly taken in Hollenbeck Park in LA 

Monday, March 01, 2010

Sexiest Animated Black/Jewish Man- CONWAY STERN of FX's "Archer"

Archer is a half-hour animated comedy series created by Adam Reed (Sealab 2021, Frisky Dingo, The Xtacles) for the FX network.

Set at the International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS), suave master spy Sterling Archer deals with global espionage, a domineering, hypersexual, late middle aged mother/boss Malory Archer, his agent ex-girlfriend Lana Kane, and a less-than-masculine code name—"Duchess"

Conway Stern is a "Diversity Hire", Black and Jewish and Sexy.. take a peak..

Sunday, February 28, 2010

MVP- (Most Voluptous Player) Jamaica's USAIN BOLT


Usain St. Leo Bolt

Is a Jamaican sprinter and a three-time Olympic gold medalist. He holds the world record for the 100 metres, the 200 metres and, along with his teammates, the 4x100 metres relay.

He also holds the Olympic record for all three of these races. At the 2008 Summer Olympics, Bolt became the first man to win three sprinting events at a single Olympics since Carl Lewis in 1984, and the first man to set world records in all three at a single Olympics.

In 2009 he became the first man to hold the 100 and 200 m world and Olympic titles at the same time.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Terrell Owens shocked some, when he signed with a modeling agency in December.

Yesterday he strutted down the catwalk with much of his upper body exposed. Scroll down for shots of the wide receiver's sculpted frame.


Michael Vick has been invited to strip down for Playgirl, according to an article at IMDB. Life & Style reports that the magazine will make a $1 million donation to animal rights group PETA in exchange for the photos.

Vick served 19 months in prison for his involvement in a brutal dogfighting operation. Now he is back in the NFL, even winning the Ed Block Courage Award in December. A TV series about the controversial quarterback has been airing on BET. In the first episode, he revisited the scene of his gruesome crimes.

Vick has not yet responded to Playgirl's offer. If he accepts, he won't be the first NFL star to strip for animals. Falcons tight end Tony Gonzalez stripped down with his wife as part of an anti-fur campaign last year.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

MVP- Most Voluptuous Player, DWIGHT HOWARD

Dwight David Howard (born December 8, 1985)
is an American basketball player for the Orlando Magic of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Howard, who usually plays center but can also play power forward, had an outstanding high school career at Southwest Atlanta Christian Academy.

He chose to forgo college and entered the 2004 NBA Draft, and was selected first overall by the Magic. A three-time All-Star, three-time All-NBA team selection, two-time All-Defensive member, and the 2009 Defensive Player of the Year, Howard has been ranked consistently as one of the best in the league in rebounds, blocks, field goal percentage and free throw attempts, and has set numerous franchise and league records. He has led the Magic to two division titles and one conference title, and he was the winner of the 2008 NBA Slam Dunk Contest. In the 2008 Olympics, he was the starting center for Team USA, which went on to win the gold medal.

Before he was drafted in 2004, Howard said that he wanted to use his NBA career and Christian faith to "raise the name of God within the league and throughout the world". In November 2009, he was named one of the 10 finalists for the Jefferson Awards for Public Service, which awards athletes for their charitable work.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?
Close your eyes and trust it, just trust it
Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?
Have you ever looked fear in the face
And said I just don't care?

It's only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg, the sun before the burn
The thunder before lightning, the breath before the phrase
Have you ever felt this way?

Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone?
Your whole life waiting on the ring to prove you're not alone
Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry?
Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside?

It's only half past the point of oblivion
The hourglass on the table, the walk before the run
The breath before the kiss and the fear before the flames
Have you ever felt this way?

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

There you are, sitting in the garden
Clutching my coffee, calling me sugar
You called me sugar

Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself
Will it ever get better than tonight? Tonight


Saturday, February 13, 2010

A CLASSIC- Dark Phoenix

 The Dark Phoenix in action in this well done 1992 animated version of The X-men!!

Monday, February 08, 2010

Smoke the Bigots Out of the Closet!

By Frank Rich, THE NEW YORK TIMES    2/7/2010

A funny thing happened after Adm. Mike Mullen called for gay men and lesbians to serve openly in the military: A curious silence befell much of the right. If this were a Sherlock Holmes story, it would be the case of the attack dogs that did not bark.

John McCain, commandeering the spotlight as usual, did fulminate against the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” But the press focus on McCain, the crazy man in Washington’s attic, was misleading. His yapping was an exception, not the rule.

Many of his Republican colleagues said little or nothing. The right’s noise machine was on mute. The Fox News report on Mullen’s testimony was fair and balanced — and brief. The network dropped the subject entirely in the Hannity-O’Reilly hothouse of prime time that night. Only ratings-desperate CNN gave a fleeting platform to the old homophobic clichés. Michael O’Hanlon, an “expert” from the Brookings Institution, speculated that “18-year-old, old-fashioned, testosterone-laden” soldiers who are “tough guys” might object to those practicing “alternative forms of lifestyle,” which he apparently views as weak and testosterone-deficient. His only prominent ally was the Family Research Council, which issued an inevitable “action alert” demanding a stop to “the sexualization of our military.”

The occasional outliers notwithstanding, why did such a hush greet Mullen on Capitol Hill? The answer begins with the simple fact that a large majority of voters — between 61 percent and 75 percent depending on the poll — now share his point of view. Most Americans recognize that being gay is not a “lifestyle” but an immutable identity, and that outlawing discrimination against gay people who want to serve their country is, as the admiral said, “the right thing to do.”

Mullen’s heartfelt, plain-spoken testimony gave perfect expression to the nation’s own slow but inexorable progress on the issue. He said he had “served with homosexuals since 1968” and that his views had evolved “cumulatively” and “personally” ever since. So it has gone for many other Americans in all walks of life. As more gay people have come out — a process that accelerated once the modern gay rights movement emerged from the Stonewall riots of 1969 — so more heterosexuals have learned that they have gay relatives, friends, neighbors, teachers and co-workers. It is hard to deny our own fundamental rights to those we know, admire and love.

But that’s not the whole explanation for the scant pushback in Washington to Mullen and his partner in change, Defense Secretary Robert Gates. There is also a potent political subtext. To a degree unimaginable as recently as 2004 — when Karl Rove and George W. Bush ran a national campaign exploiting fear of gay people — there is now little political advantage to spewing homophobia. Indeed, anti-gay animus is far more likely to repel voters than attract them. This equation was visibly eating at Orrin Hatch, the Republican senator from Utah, as he vamped nervously with Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC last week, trying to duck any discernible stand on Mullen’s testimony. On only one point was he crystal clear: “I just plain do not believe in prejudice of any kind.”

Now that explicit anti-gay animus is an albatross, those who oppose gay civil rights are driven to invent ever loopier rationales for denying those rights, whether in the military or in marriage. Hatch, for instance, limply suggested to Mitchell that a repeal of “don’t ask” would lead to gay demands for “special rights.” Such arguments, both preposterous and disingenuous, are mere fig leaves to disguise the phobia that can no longer dare speak its name. If gay Americans are to be granted full equality, the flimsy rhetorical camouflage must be stripped away to expose the prejudice that lies beneath.

The arguments for preserving “don’t ask” have long been blatantly groundless. McCain — who said in 2006 that he would favor repealing the law if military leaders ever did — didn’t even bother to offer a logical explanation for his mortifying flip-flop last week. He instead huffed that the 1993 “don’t ask” law should remain unchanged as long as any war is going on (which would be in perpetuity, given Afghanistan). Colin Powell strafed him just hours later, when he announced that changed “attitudes and circumstances” over the past 17 years have led him to agree with Mullen. McCain is even out of step with his own family’s values. Both his wife, Cindy, and his daughter Meghan have posed for the current California ad campaign explicitly labeling opposition to same-sex marriage as hate.

McCain aside, the most common last-ditch argument for preserving “don’t ask” heard last week, largely from Southern senators, is to protect “troop morale and cohesion.” Every known study says this argument is a canard, as do the real-life examples of the many armies with openly gay troops, including those of Canada, Britain and Israel. But the argument does carry a telling historical pedigree. When Harry Truman ordered the racial integration of the American military in 1948, Congressional opponents (then mainly Southern Democrats) embraced an antediluvian Army prediction from 1940 stating that such a change would threaten national defense by producing “situations destructive to morale.” History will sweep this bogus argument away now as it did then.

Those opposing same-sex marriage are just as eager to mask their bigotry. The big arena on that issue is now in California, where the legal showdown over Proposition 8 is becoming a Scopes trial of sorts, with the unlikely bipartisan legal team of David Boies and Ted Olson in the Clarence Darrow role. The opposing lawyer, Charles Cooper, insisted to the court that he bore neither “ill will nor animosity for gays and lesbians.” Given the history of the anti-same-sex marriage camp, it’s hard to make that case with a straight face (so to speak). In trying to do so, Cooper moved that graphic evidence of his side’s ill will and animosity be disallowed — including that notorious, fear-mongering television ad, “The Gathering Storm.”

The judge admitted such exhibits anyway. Boies also triumphed in dismantling an expert witness called to provide the supposedly empirical, non-homophobic evidence of how same-sex marriage threatens “procreative marriage.” In cross-examination, Boies forced the witness, David Blankenhorn of the so-called Institute for American Values, to concede he had no academic expertise in any field related to marriage or family. The only peer-reviewed paper he’s written, for a degree in Comparative Labor History, was “a study of two cabinetmakers’ unions in 19th-century Britain.”

In another, milder cross-examination — on “Meet the Press” last weekend — John Boehner, the House G.O.P. leader, fended off a question about “don’t ask” with a rhetorical question of his own: “In the middle of two wars and in the middle of this giant security threat, why would we want to get into this debate?” Besides Mullen’s answer — that it is the right thing to do — there’s another, less idealistic reason why President Obama might want to get into it. The debate could blow up in the Republicans’ faces. A protracted battle or filibuster in which they oppose civil rights will end up exposing the deep prejudice at the root of their arguments. That’s not where a party trying to expand beyond its white Dixie base and woo independents wants to be in 2010.

Polls consistently show that independents, however fiscally conservative, are closer to Democrats than Republicans on social issues. (In May’s Gallup survey, 67 percent of independents favored repealing “don’t ask.”) This is why Scott Brown, enjoying what may be a short-lived honeymoon in his own party, calls himself a “Scott Brown Republican.” A Scott Brown Republican isn’t a Boehner or Hatch Republican. In his interview with Barbara Walters last weekend, he distanced himself from Sarah Palin, said he was undecided on “don’t ask” and declared same-sex marriage a “settled” issue in his state, Massachusetts, where it is legal.

It’s in this political context that we can see that there may have been some method to Obama’s troublesome tardiness on gay issues after all. But as we learned about this White House and the Democratic Congress in the health care debacle, they are perfectly capable of dropping the ball at any moment. Let’s hope they don’t this time. Should they actually press forward on “don’t ask” in an election year with Mullen and Gates on board — and with even McCain’s buddy, Joe Lieberman, calling for action “as soon as possible” — they could further the goal and raise the political price for those who stand in the way. Recalcitrant Congressional Republicans will have to explain why their perennial knee-jerk deference to “whatever the commanders want” extends to Gen. David Petraeus and Gen. Stanley McChrystal on troop surges but not to Mullen, who outranks them, on civil rights.

The more bigotry pushed out of the closet for all voters to see, the more likely it is that Americans will be moved to grant overdue full citizenship to gay Americans. It won’t happen overnight, any more than full civil rights for African-Americans immediately followed Truman’s desegregation of the armed forces. But there can be no doubt that Mike Mullen’s powerful act of conscience last week, just as we marked the 50th anniversary of the Greensboro, N.C., lunch counter sit-in, pushed history forward. The revealing silence that followed from so many of the usual suspects was pretty golden too.

SNL- Cialis