Wednesday, August 23, 2023



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1 comment:

  1. He is somewhat correct, addiction of any type is a person running away or self isolating. Meth does that but also creates the inhibitions to fall to the way side. As do other drugs, alcohol, coke etc. Meth is just a hardcore drug. We really don't know what the long term affects on our bodies but look at items we thought were produced that were tested and approved that have caused cancer and death. I'm not condoning meth use because addiction is the result of underlying problems. Low self esteem, child abuse, broken families etc. and the need to find solitude and some inner peace, peace we find companionship with similar needs with others. Addiction is really the result when we can no longer function as part of society. We hide from everything and use all by ourselves. Recovery from meth is possible and life can become meaningful again it takes some time , it takes others to recover and show love till we love ourselves and can build healthy relationships without the fear of being judged. We even as gay men judge others so often because of the clothes, their hair, their skin color or sexual positions. But we don't want to be judged because we are homosexual or bisexual or asexual. Open your minds and open your hearts to Love . Please also note we are all different and sometimes differences can also be mental health issues, it is a real thing. The depression, the anxiety of, mood swings, these all can be treated. So when your friend seems off, your lover becomes distant or distracted ask a few extra questions so you can possibly help and they get the assistance they need to recover from what ails them. Be the friend to get past their problems or at least there for them by support.
    Thank you guys for listening, I am a grateful recovering addict from METH for 14 + years. It's not easy but I love my new life and those around me for their love and caring support . Dan
