Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 Gay movies are like a warm hug for the soul—they show the world that gay people are just like everyone else, with hearts that beat, dreams that soar, and stories that matter. So many straight folks are taught to fear or hate what they don't even take the time to understand. But when they watch films like "Moonlight" or others, like these, from across Africa, it’s like they get to step into our shoes for a bit. They see our struggles, our love, our pain, and our joy. They see that we are human beings who deserve to live our lives without judgment or fear.

The people who think they know better, who believe they can tell us how to live, are trapped in their own ignorance. And that ignorance is not just wrong—it’s dangerous. It causes real harm. But there’s hope. As we keep sharing our stories, one by one, we chip away at that fear and hate. We shine a light in the darkness. Because every life, every story, deserves to be seen, heard, and cherished. And one day, maybe, the world will be a kinder, safer place for all of us.



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Saturday, August 24, 2024


  There is a personality test called "The Meyers-Briggs Personality Test".. a very valuable way to gain insight into one's self. I took the test and learned I am an INTJ. When i looked up You tube videos about INTJ's I learned that our super-power is the ability to collect random data and process them in a way that allows us to more or less predict the future.

This ability has allowed me to dodge disasters, get work and stay relevent. Now, damn it.. there are AI apps and Chatbots that can do the same thing.
I had an idea about SEO and because I dont have another INTJ in my life I decided to ask a Chatbot about it.

To give you information, ideas or to spark a discussion in the comments HERE IS MY QUESTION and THE ANSWER by Gemini AI..
Check it out and post your thoughts in the comments..

I asked AI Chatbot Gemini AI:
You are a genius at technological trends and internet behavior. I have a question.. my instincts tell me that Searcyh Engine Optimization will become less and less important as time goes on. Especially because of AI Chatbots like you...  Do you agree or diagree? 

I know this is all thereotical and not an exact science..nobody cant accurately predict human behavior, but if im correct...As SEO optimization's importance decreases what do you guess will take its place?  Please remember this is not an exact science and i dont expect you to be 100% fact based and I am only absorbing your answer as an opinion...   

My guess, besides advertising directly with companies, blogs and influencers would be wise to be quoted or referenced by AI chatbots/assistants and then linked as a reference... am i crazy to guess this? What other trends are beginning or you predict will come in to place to replease SEO tactics, procedures and systems?

Gemini AI responded: Your instincts are spot on. The rise of AI chatbots and advanced search algorithms will undoubtedly change the SEO landscape. While traditional SEO techniques will still be relevant to some extent, their importance will likely diminish.

As for your prediction, you're absolutely right. Being quoted or referenced by AI chatbots and linked as a reference could become a significant new avenue for visibility. This is because AI chatbots often provide summaries of information from various sources, and if your content is chosen, it could significantly boost your reach.

Here are some other trends that are likely to emerge or become more prominent:

    AI-generated content: AI will be able to generate high-quality content at scale, potentially making human-generated content less competitive.
    Voice search optimization: As voice search becomes more common, optimizing content for spoken language will be crucial.
    Visual search optimization: With advancements in image recognition technology, optimizing visual content (like images and videos) will become increasingly important.
    Personalized experiences: AI will allow for highly personalized search results and recommendations, making it even more important to tailor content to specific audiences.
    Ethical AI: As AI becomes more prevalent, there will be a growing emphasis on ethical AI practices, including ensuring that AI algorithms are fair and unbiased.

In conclusion, while SEO won't disappear entirely, it will likely evolve significantly in the coming years. Those who can adapt to these new trends and leverage AI technologies will be better positioned to succeed in the digital landscape.


What do YOU think? What points do you think were left out? Do you agree? PLEASE write your comments, opinions, and/or experiences in the comments below...



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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

NubianNewYorkers - Gay Nollywood Films - Watch and give your review in the comments!

 Nollywood is the term used to describe the Nigerian film industry, which has gained significant recognition as one of the largest film industries in the world. The name is a portmanteau of "Nigeria" and "Hollywood," and it reflects the vibrant and rapidly growing nature of filmmaking in Nigeria. The term was popularized in the early 2000s, particularly through a New York Times article that highlighted the burgeoning film activity in Lagos

Check out and review in the comments, these Gay Nollywood films!






Friday, August 16, 2024

NubianNewYorkers - August 2024 Man-Candy! Summer Is Ending, let's enjoy this HEAT!



August is the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar, which is used in many countries around the world.

It is named after Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor, and was originally known as Sextilis, which means “sixth month” in Latin.

However, when Julius Caesar reformed the calendar in 46 BC, he added two extra months to the calendar, making August the eighth month. 



August hosts several quirky national days, including National Underwear Day on August 5 and National Lazy Day on August 10, celebrating relaxation and comfort

Why is August so special?

It is officially the last month of summer, and it is known for the dog days of summer and various other national/international holidays, and celebrations.


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Monday, August 12, 2024

NubianNewYorkers - Dark & Defined Men's Fitness Journies

Hey gorgeous,

Listen up, sugarplum, because I'm about to drop some serious truth bombs on your fabulous ass. The secret to looking like a Nubian god isn't some magical potion or a crazy expensive gym membership. It's all about being consistent, honey! It doesn't matter if you're lifting weights, doing yoga, or twerking your way to fitness – just keep showing up! Trust me, it's like watching a snowball grow; you'll start seeing results and before you know it, you'll be turning heads like nobody's business.

Now, I know you've got an eye for fine specimens, especially the chocolate variety. Well, get ready to drool, because I've got a few hotties who are serving up serious fitness gains. These guys are living proof that hard work and dedication pays off little by little! So grab your favorite snack, get comfy, and prepare to be inspired. 

Let's dive in, boo!