Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Torchwood Season 4 Episode 7 "Immortal Sins".. Gay subject matter done well

SPOILER ALERT- Dont read the "plot summary" below if you intend to watch the show.. 

The main character Jack Harkness (an openly bisexual guy) has been more in the background as we got to see the other characters like Mekhi Phifer shine.                                                        But, Season 4 Episode 7 (Immortal Sins) is entirely based on a man on man relationship and not done in the usual way.. I really believe this episode deserves a GLAAD Award or some sort of recognition.. It was a really gay episode.

It was handled brilliantly while also dealing with shootouts and much bloodshed and action...                                                                                                           I remember  back in the days when it was kind of an event to have a black hit show.. so my whole family used to sit together and watch shows like the Jeffersons, sanford and son.. Where we kind of felt that our community was being represented.. and the shows were GOOD SHOWS.. Cosby, on down the line..

         This episode of Torchwood made me feel the same way for in for the Gay Community, it was a good episode that happened to use a complex gay relationship as its core.. and it deserves applause for that... PLEASE check out the episode when you can!                                 

I give it Two Thumbs IN.. just kidding TWO THUMBS UP!

Plot summary
In July 1927, Jack catches an Italian immigrant named Angelo Colasanto (Daniele Favilli), who stole his visa at Ellis Island. Jack falls in love with Angelo and helps him move to Little Italy,
New York where they become lovers and pose as minor bootleggers for the Catholic Church. Their activities earn the wrath of mobster Salvatore Maranzano (Cris D'Annunzio) whom Jack is able convince to spare them by helping him obtain a crate that Salvatore's bosses want. Jack tells Angelo to leave as he doesn't want him to come to any harm, but Angelo refuses to abandon Jack.
After discovering the crate, Jack opens it and confirms that it contains the alien parasite that he had been sent to destroy. The parasite is one which lays its spores in the brain, slowly causing insanity. Jack explains to Angelo that Salvatore's bosses had been hired by the Trickster's brigade. The brigade plan to infect future Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt so that he will be unable to lead America as President during World War II, thus enabling Nazi Germany to win the war. Jack destroys the parasite and escapes from the warehouse with Angelo, but is shot in the head by the police while a horrified Angelo is arrested.
A year later, Angelo is released from Sing Sing and, to his shock, is greeted by Jack who is still alive. To calm Angelo, Jack explains that he survived the shooting and wants them to be together. 

However, remembering Jack's "death", Angelo stabs Jack, convinced that he is the devil. Soon the neighborhood learns about Jack, who is later brought to a butcher shop where the crowd viciously and repeatedly kill him, much to Angelo's horror. Mrs. Giardano fills a bottle with Jack's blood during one of his deaths. During one of his blackouts, Jack watches three mob bosses buy him from the butcher and make a pact. Angelo later helps Jack escape from the butcher shop in the hope of starting their lives together anew in Los Angeles

However, Jack feels betrayed by what Angelo did and abandons him, not wanting to see him grow old and die.
In the present, Gwen kidnaps Jack to meet with the Miracle Day conspirators, as her family are being held hostage in their home in Wales. After waiting at the meeting place, they meet a woman (Nana Visitor) who knows about Jack. The mysterious group are caught by surprise when they are sniped by Rex and Esther, who both earlier became suspicious of Gwen's behavior and learned the truth from the last messages recorded from her contact lenses. 

In the interim, Esther had contacted Andy in Wales, who leads a armed police unit which rescues Gwen's family much to her relief. With Torchwood holding the mysterious woman at gunpoint, 

Jack demands answers about the miracle, but she tells Jack that he will still come with her to the man who knows how the miracle began. To Jack's shock, she tells him that the man is Angelo, who is still alive.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

LOL- Polling Gay Marriage

STUPID & FUNNY Jon Benjamin Has A Van

..but then again I have a strange sense of humor.

MVP (Most Voluptuous Player) - CAM NEWTON of The Panthers

Cameron "Cam" Jerrell Newton (born May 11, 1989) is an American football quarterback for the Carolina Panthers of the National Football League. He was drafted as the first overall pick by the Panthers in the 2011 NFL Draft. He played college football for the Auburn Tigers. Newton is the son of Cecil Newton, Sr., who played strong safety for two seasons with the Dallas Cowboys and the younger brother of Cecil Newton, Jr., a center for the New Orleans Saints

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

OPEN PRIMARIES- The reason why many of us must vote TWICE in 2012

Opponents of the open primary believe that the open primary leaves the party nominations vulnerable to manipulation and dilution. First, one party could organize its voters to vote in the other party's primary and choose the candidate that they most agree with or that they think their party could most easily defeat. 

Secondly, in the open primary moderates and independent voters can vote in either party. This occurrence may dilute the vote of a particular party and lead to a nominee who does not represent the views of his particular party.

For example, in the 2008 presidential primaries, exit polls say John McCain failed to win a single race among Republican voters, up to Super Tuesday, yet during that same period he went from also-ran to front runner, because most non-Republicans who crossed over voted for him. 

In New Hampshire, Mitt Romney won among registered Republicans, but John McCain won overall . Likewise, in South Carolina, Mike Huckabee won among self-identified Republicans, but John McCain won the state .

Similarly, some Republican advocates called for Republicans to cross over and vote in the Democratic race, to help Hillary Clinton win, on the premise that Obama had a better chance of beating their candidate. The Rush Limbaugh Show's "Operation Chaos" is the best known of these movements.

States with an open presidential primary

If you live in one of these States and support The Prez, vote in the primary for the weakest dumbest Republican... And then Re-elect Obama in 2012.


Sunday, July 31, 2011

"BOYCE AVENUE" = great band!

IDRIS ELBA- Because Smart & Talented is Sexy!

Idrissa Akuna "Idris" Elba (born 6 September 1972) is an English televisiontheatre, and film actor who has starred in both British and American productions. Elba grew up in Canning Town, East London.

He was featured as one of the "Ten Hottest Men on the Planet" in the April 2004 issue of Essence magazine and again in the November 2005 issue. Idris was chosen as one of People Magazine's annual 100 Most Beautiful People in the World, in May 2007. Elba appeared on the August 2009 cover of Essence magazine. He appeared on the August 2010 cover of Ebony magazine.

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Friday, July 08, 2011

(I know im late to say this but..) THUMBS UP for TRANSFORMERS 3 In 3D

I'm a simple guy, give me nice cars, huge fucking robots, sick stunts and some sort of plot and i'm happy.
Huge Robots in a huge theater with sick special effects and its in 3D.. with a little comedy. Me like.

Adult Swim's hilarious "Children's Hospital" deserves an Emmy!

Episode: The Black Doctor  (click below to watch on Adult Swim's site)

Childrens Hospital is a satirical comedy television series and web series that lampoons the medical drama genre, created by and starring actor/comedian Rob Corddry. The series began on the web on TheWB.com with ten episodes, roughly five minutes in length, all of which premiered on December 8, 2008. Adult Swim picked up the rights to the show in 2009 and began airing episodes in 2010.

The storyline centers on the staff of Childrens Hospital, a hospital for children, named after a doctor named Arthur Childrens. The hospital sporadically (and usually without reason) is mentioned as being located within Brazil, despite making virtually no effort to conceal that the series is shot in Los Angeles, California. Corddry is part of an ensemble cast portraying the hospital's doctors, which also includes Lake Bell, Erinn Hayes, Rob Huebel, Ken Marino and Megan Mullally. Malin Ã…kerman and Henry Winkler joined the cast for season two.

Episode: Nip/Tug  (click below to watch on Adult Swim's site)

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

This Republican Congress is the least productive in SIXTY YEARS!!!

The 112th Congress is on pace to be one of the least productive in recent memory — as measured by votes taken, bills made into laws, nominees approved. By most of those metrics, this crowd is underperforming even the "do-nothing Congress" of 1948, as Harry Truman dubbed it. The hot-temper era of Clinton impeachment in the 1990s saw more bills become law.

Read More Here

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Misfits - I really dig this show

Nathan, Kelly, Simon, Alisha and Curtis were expecting their community service to be boring however after a freak thunderstorm they discover that it is anything but dull. Bestowed with strange powers the five very different teens realize they have a lot more to worry about than just picking up litter. Especially as they discover that they are not the only ones who have been giving strange powers. Secrets will be revealed, feelings will be brought to the surface and relationships will be formed and broken. But hey its only 6 weeks of community service what's the worse that could happen?

SEASON 1 EPISODE 4: (best one so far) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-f8S8Y1amM
SEASON 2 EPISODE 5 : http://youtu.be/JgFr4WF2cMI
SEASON 2 EPISODE 6 :http://youtu.be/cf8IYNuNFgo
SEASON 2 EPISODE 7: http://youtu.be/GlORw1FdThM


Sunday, June 19, 2011


“I cannot believe that this is happening in America” will be words commonly heard in our country.

In 2012, or more likely in 2016 there will be a Republican in The White House but this will be like no other Republican President in our lifetimes.  This Republican President, backed by like-minded radicals in The Congress, The Senate, and State Governments will resemble the Fundamental governments found in The Middle East.

The “2011 Egyptian Revolution” took place following a popular uprising that began on January 25th  2011. The uprising was mainly a campaign of non-violent civil resistance, which featured a series of demonstrations, marches, acts of civil disobedience, and labour strikes. 

Millions of protesters from a variety of socio-economic and religious backgrounds demanded the overthrow of the regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Despite being predominantly peaceful in nature, the revolution was not without violent clashes between security forces and protesters.  The days of such protests are coming to America.

Today’s Republican party has no problem with lying and spinning to get its way. They have no compunction calling Barack Obama “Anti-American” or “palling around with terrorists” or “Not born in this country”.  Today’s Republican party will repeat a lie until they convince
people that what they say is the truth.  

Today’s Republican party is openly against Healthcare for the poor, Unions, A Woman’s right to choose, Public Broadcasting, Gay Marriage, Gays in the military, Planned Parenthood,  The Environmental Protection Agency, Minority Rights, Muslims and Mexicans..  and they aren't the slightest bit bashful about it either.

In Wisconsin in Feb 2011 a Republican named Scott Walker became governor and immediately began to dismantle unions in the state. Even though public opinion was against him and even though the people protested the governor continued until he removed the worker’s rights to collectively bargain. Imagine that.. a politician making overwhelmingly unpopular moves to remove a right.  That reality is today’s Republican party.

In Nov 2010 Republicans won a majority in The House of Representatives in the days after the win it was widely accepted that they won because the public “wanted Democrats and Republicans to work together on the economy and job growth”. What did the Republicans do? 

They immediately began to attack Public Broadcasting, Planned Parenthood and Medicare (to name a few non-job related actions they took).  Ending Medicare and changing it into a “voucher program” has consistently polled badly with The American People..  Democrat, Republican AND Independent voter’s have consistently said that they do NOT like The Republican Paul Ryan plan to end medicare.. Do you think this has stopped the Republicans?  No, quite the opposite.. The Republicans have doubled-down and now will just repeat the same lies like a mantra until they get the people to believe them and until the can fool the democrats into agreeing with their plans.

What is America going to look like when there is no “safety net”?  What will this country look like when there is no healthcare for the poor and elderly? What will we be when all we are are tax cuts for the rich and no worker rights?  An America where some are believed to be MORE American based on where they live or their race?  An America with a religious test on all you do and who you are?  An America where equality is a myth and gays are forced back into the closet?  

America will look like the fundamentalist governments we see in the middle east where the people in power have little to no regard for the people.  If and when we get a Republican President the people will continue to be stripped of their power and rights, mark my words.

Bolstered by the propaganda of Fox News, right wing talk radio and campaign donations by corporations and the super-rich, The Republican President and his cohorts will bring in what I call “The Days of Doom” where protests will become commonplace.. Today's Republican party doesnt care about public opinion they only care about POWER.  Eventually, the police and military will be turned on the protesters...   If today’s Republican party remains the same, the next Republican party will usher in THE DAYS OF DOOM.

Happy Father's Day to YOU and YOURS!!

Check out this poem written by Tyrese Gibson: http://tyresesworld.blogspot.com/2011/06/survival.html

Saturday, June 18, 2011


This is a simple issue.  Networks & Movie Companies are going to have to put more effort into respecting their audiences.

The 2 biggest problems today are movies that are just LOUSY and networks that cancel shows because "the audience isn't big enough"..  NOBODY wants to see a lousy movie and NOBODY wants to invest time in a show to have it canceled before there is a resolution to the plot.

First of all, in today's technological world with text messages, email,  & twitter a person sitting in a movie theatre can tell ALL of their friends and followers that a movie sucks on THE FIRST DAY that movie is out. The days when flashy ads could fool people for weeks into seeing a shitty movie are over.. Today, if you want success YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE TIME TO MAKE THE MOVIE A GOOD MOVIE.

Secondly, TV Networks have got to WAKE UP.. You can't keep cancelling TV Shows.  No matter the ratings, if people invest their time to follow the plot of a show HOW DARE you end the show before the plot has been resolved? How dare you then ask the SAME people to invest their time in new shows every fall??

Once a network buys a show it should buy a FULL SEASON of the show and if the network decides to pull the show from the air it should STILL be available on the network's website... This would provide its viewers the plot resolution they deserve.

WAKE UP Networks and Movie Companies!! We live in a new world that makes part of your job harder but doing the hard work will make success much much easier!

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Fucking Talented! "Look At Me Now" Cover by Karmin

"Look At Me Now"
Originally performed by Chris Brown ft. Lil Wayne, Busta Rhymes

"Look At Me Now"
Original Version:

Saturday, June 04, 2011


Mindfulness is a form of self-awareness training adapted from Buddhist mindfulness 
meditation. It has been adapted for use in treatment of depression, especially preventing 
relapse and for assisting with mood regulation.  
It has been described as a state of being in the present, accepting things for what they are, 
i.e. non-judgementally. 

It was originally developed to assist with mood regulation and has been found to have considerable health benefits.   
These exercises are designed to introduce the principles-

One Minute Exercise
Sit in front of a clock or watch that you can use to time the passing of one 
minute. Your task is to focus your entire attention on your breathing, and 
nothing else, for the minute.  Have a go - do it now. 

Mindful Eating: 
This involves sitting down at a table and eating a meal without engaging in any 
other activities - no newspaper, book, TV, radio, music, or talking.  
Now eat your meal paying full attention to which piece of food you select to eat, 
how it looks, how it smells, how you cut the food, the muscles you use to raise 
it to your mouth, the texture and taste of the food as you chew it slowly. 
You may be amazed at how different food tastes when eaten in this way and 
how filling a meal can be. It is also very good for the digestion. 

Mindful Walking: 
Here the same principle, while walking you concentrate on the feel of the 
ground under your feet, your breathing while walking. Just observe what is 
around you as you walk, staying IN THE PRESENT. Let your other thoughts 
go, just look at the sky, the view, the other walkers; feel the wind, the 
temperature on your skin; enjoy the moment.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

RANDOM THOUGHT- If tires are black, why is the Michelin man white?



Bibendum, commonly referred to as the Michelin Man, is the symbol of the Michelin tire company. Introduced at the Lyon Exhibition of 1894 where the Michelin brothers had a stand, Bibendum is one of the world's oldest trademarks.

Since 1912, tires have taken on a black appearance because carbon is added as a preservative and strengthener to the base rubber material. Before then, tires took on a gray-white or light, translucent beige colour. This helps explain why Bibendum is white, though modern tires are black.